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   This week is our last week of the quarter, I think. I don't understand my engineering class, but it's not because I'm not paying attention. And what we're learning is the stuff we need to know for next year. But every other class is pretty good. I think I'd rather take AP classes. Although, I hear not to take a lot, not like I'm looking to take more than two. 

    There are some schools that are open, but they're hybrid. There was a school that just opened, but they had to close because their area got a lot more cases. My school district had just announced that we'll be virtual until further notice. Which is understandable, and it's kinda easier this way. But then again, there are some families that don't have to ability to have really good wifi or have a toxic home environment, so it's not the best for everyone. 

    My youth orchestra started up last month too. Our first rehearsal was in this small room, and with all 14 of us. Our conductor didn't expect so many people in our group this year, so we were moved to a bigger room. There were some kids that moved up an orchestra, new kids that joined the orchestra group, and the kids that have been there already (includes me). My orchestra has three orchestras, Prelude, Symphonette, and Symphony. Youngest and newer players go to Prelude, Intermediate go to Symphonette, and Advanced are in Symphony. I think once you are in High School people join Symphony. I know there was this one girl that wanted to stay in Symphonette because her brother was in Symphony. Orchestra is probably the most socialization I've had in a while.

    Yesterday, I was going to visit my friend for their birthday. But they got sick last week and had to cancel. It's a lot of respiratory symptoms, and her parents don't believe in the virus so they're not planning on getting her tested. Last time I saw my doctor, they said that kids were able to recover. If it is Covid, hopefully she'll get better. But if it's the regular cold, she'll be fine. I wish she could get tested in case it was Covid. But all I can do is hope it isn't. Apparently there's a vaccine that has potential, but I haven't really seen any reports about it (probably because I don't look for any reports about it). I'll update you when I do. 

Happy belated samhain/halloween/dia de los muertos !!

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