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"Hey, Jimin." I said on the phone.

"Where you at? It's already about to be midnight and your not home." He asked with concern.

I said "I'm sleeping over at my friends house so don't wait for me."

Jimin said "What friend? I'm your bestfriend you should be sleeping over here with me."

I giggled and said "Oh shut up you pervert."

Jimin laughed really loud in the phone and said "Alright, have fun. I'll text you or call you tomorrow."

I said "Ok bye."

Jimin shouted in the phone "I LOVE YOU MAI! GOODNIGHT!"

I laughed and said "I love you too Jimin and don't get attacked at night by the ghost."

I could sense Jimin stopped smiling and said "Why did you remind me of ghost? You know I don't like ghost."

I chuckled and said "Bye."

I looked in the mirror and sighed before leaving the restroom half naked. This was so uncomfortable that I didn't even want to leave.

I stepped out the restroom and looked at Suga. He kept typing and didn't turn to look at me. I felt like he would turn any second to try to look at me once I walked to the couch. I didn't want to go over there and I didn't want him to look at me. At this moment I realized that I was so insecure of my body and I was afraid he would laugh at me. If some how he saw my stretch marks.

Suga said without looking at me "I know your there."

I gulped as I made my way to his couch. I didn't take my eyes off of him just to yell at him if he looked at my body but then I remembered he had Alina. I sat down and put my phone on the floor. I got the blanket and put it over my body.

"Won't you sleep?" He asked.

I asked "I will wait until you sleep."

Suga chuckled and said "I'll be done around 4 A.M. can you handle it?"

I frowned and asked "Why so long?"

Suga said "I won't go to work tomorrow. So, I want to have all my documents ready for the other doctor that will take over my place while I'm gone."

"What? No, go to work I'll stay here. I'll be fine." I said feeling bad.

Suga said "I don't trust you. You'll take this opportunity to go running back to your job and see Jimin."

My mouth went wide open how I hadn't even thought about that but it was a great idea.

"How old are you?" I asked before laying down.

Suga looked at me and said "I'm 28."

I laid down, pulled the blanket over me and fixed the pillow. I asked "You don't have an air conditioner?"

Suga said "I don't really turn it on because it's to cold at the hospital and I just want to come home to a warm place. I can turn on the fan instead if you want."

My Doctor? [Min Yoongi]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora