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I poked my food on the table and sighed. I thought "I can't believe I helped him and then he just throws me out like that. He just wasn't clear as he didn't want to sound rude but this way was more cruel."

I widen my eyes and said "Oh my, what if he feels sick out of no where?!"

I was about to stand up and grab my purse but stopped. "Obviously, if he wanted me over there he would have called by now." I said getting really depressed.

Couple seconds later, I stood up and asked myself "Ah, what are you doing, Mai?!"

I got my purse and headed towards his apartment. I walked into the elevator and went up. I turned the corner and looked up. I saw Suga hugging Alina. They departed from eachother and he picked her up bridal style and took her inside. I scratched my head and stood there really sad. Not knowing what to do with my emotions going through my heart and mind. I sat down on the bench from down the hall where the light seemed to have went out. I sat there in complete silence and darkness. I didn't want to be seen all down and without rights to be feeling like this.

"What are you doing, Mai? Go home." I whispered to myself but I just felt so sad.

A tear went down my cheek and I didn't wipe it off. "I'm so disappointed in myself for liking a doctor that I had said I would never like as a friend or a lover. Now, look at me all crying for a doctor that I want love from. I didn't want nothing with him and now I want everything from him. And he may die and leave me forever." I told myself in a weak voice as my tear dried up.

I stood up and walked towards the elevator. Moans made my eyes turn towards his door and I felt more heart broken. The elevator opened and a elderly woman came out of it.

"Oh, honey could you please help me take this to my room. I'm so tired of holding these bags." She asked in the most gentle voice I could have ever heard.

It made me forget what I was feeling and I grabbed the bags.

"Yes, of course." I said giving her a soft smile.

I felt so good that I could help her. She slowly walked to her door and opened it. I went with her inside and I put down the things on the kitchen counter.

She asked from behind "Aren't you the girl that lives like three doors from here with the doctor?"

I turned around and said "I didn't have a place to stay and I got really sick. I recovered and I don't live there anymore."

She said "I don't think you should have left him. We all know about the tumor and I worry if he'll get really sick one of these days. Then asks me for help, if I see him sick I think I'll faint for not being able to move faster to help him."

I said "He has so many people that care for him. I'm sure he'll be fine soon."

She nodded her head with a smile and said "You like him. So, I'm sure you'll come back soon."

I gushed and said "What?! No, I don't."

She said "Denying feelings or lying will not get you where you want to be in life."

I said "I'm sorry."

She patted my shoulder and said "Thank you for helping me."

My Doctor? [Min Yoongi]Where stories live. Discover now