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"Okay Yana I'll talk to you later when I drop by your hotel." I hung up the phone and was packing my bags.
"Where are you going." Ciara asked
"To find Summer, what did you think I was doing." I said as I continue to throw clothes in my suitcase.
"I'm coming." She said shaking her legs.
"No your not. This type of job ain't for kids. It's a grown woman job. Plus u need to stay here and look after Marcus, Lashaye and momma.
" Girl bye I am 17 years old I can hold myself down after all I been doing that ever since you left." She said walking closer

" like I said you ain't going and I do everything I can for y'all so don't even start that shit." I snapped

" oh I'm going one way or another and plus Marcus is a nigga so he can stay a watch after Lashaye and momma."
"Bye Ciara I'm not playing."
" you need someone to have your back Texas is an 11hour drive."
"I have someone thanks."
"Pleaseeeee I just wanna help my little si- sister." She said almost tryna shed tears.
"Fine." I sighed. "Go pack your shit."
On the road
"Soooooo Yana we need to get a better relationship and understanding of each other."
She sighed " I have told you all I needed you to know."
"How are we gonna be friends I need a person I can trust and know that got my back."
" ain't that why you got your sister in the backseat she can help you. Imma drop y'all off and then go on about my life after you find your sister." She said causing me to look back at Ciara sleeping in the backseat.
" I don't even know where to start looking at. I know Summer can probably be a little wild sometimes."
"Meaning she likes parties and stuff." Yana asked as I just nodded
"If she doesn't know anybody down there then why would she up and leave and then u said that you found a letter from a nigga. So just put two and two together." She explain while stopping at a red light.
"Wait don't tell me. No she's not bruh imma kill her." I said shaking my legs.
" I mean why is you so on your siblings asses like that damn they grown." She said patting her weave
"Bitch Summer is 15. And what happens if your daughter did the same thing put yo self in my shoes Yana." I yelled she moved around in her seat. It was silence for about 30 minutes.
"Look Yana I have told you about my life and important people in it and you still seem like you hiding stuff and I just feel like that's wrong. Like why are u down here for. Wassup with your child."
She sighed. " When I was 14 I was raped by my momma boyfriend friends or whatever they was to him. And I got pregnant it was the most embarrassing sex I ever had not that my virginity was taken but that they called me fishy and the—-
I cut her off cause I busted out laughing like damnnn.
"See this why I didn't wanna tell you but I ain't even mad cause when they reactions was funny." We both laughed.
" see moments like this is what we need."
"Yeah I guess so."


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