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LIN 26Capricorn ♑️

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Capricorn ♑️

"Umm not much really." Lin said scratching her head. " ouu I am good with technology."
"Like hacking and stuff." I asked
"Oh definitely! Hacking is the easiest thing. I can transfer money from a bank into a another account with my eyes close." She laughed
"Okay come on." I grabbed her arm and went out to the car and Ciara and Tee was already in. Then I drove us back to the hotel. We got up to the room and I explained all my problems to her and how would we need her help.
"Okay this is like ocean 8." Lin laughed
" so your the brains, your the player and you are the thief." She said looking at Tee clenching to her purse. " so where do I fall in at."
"Well duh obviously you are going to be the hacker." Tee said rolling her neck
"Oh well I have to call Bre she is the stripper who works there and tell her to give me some information. And let me tell you something you think you hard and big and bad wait till you meet Bre. She winked at Tee.
Tee jumped out of the chair and tried to snatch Lin's hair but Ciara grabbed her and took her outside. And I made sure Lin was okay.
"When is it possible to meet up with Bre because I'm not tryna be doing this the rest of my life. I'm try kill and get out."
"Oh Bre is the perfect person for killing she is quite the fighter. We can take a little ride to the club check it out so y'all can know y'all way around it and then we can get Bre bring her back here and let y'all chat so y'all can come up with some plans Brains." She said chuckling.  Tee and Ciara walked back in the room.
"So how do we know that Lin is as good as she claims." Tee said crossing her arms.
"Well." Lin said getting out of the chair "Us Asians are very smart Arshunti."
Tee gasps. "How the fuck did you just do that." Ciara laughed. "So is it Ciara Sadler or Zoey Mills." Lin asked raising her eyebrows with a smirk. They both looked like they saw ghost and then Lin turned to me. "So Yaniesha how is 7 year old Yasmin." I gasped if darkskins could turn pink or red I know I would've. It was 20 minutes of silence. Until Lin started laughing "damn you guys are easy to figure out. I used face recognition on my phone. I snook pictures of you guys in the car and found out everything about all of you." She sighed "growing up in a Asian family we were overworked and got punished if we didn't come home with straight A's whew my brother used to get it. But again my life story isn't important I am here to help you guys out."
"Why tho." Tee asked
"Cause sometimes a person might not ask for help but if you take time to try and figure out a person you help them without asking. I know out of all 3 of us in here you are the most broken one." Lin replied rubbing Tee's back.
"Lets go girls. And by the way welcome to the COBS." I hugged Lin
"Wait what the hell that mean." Lin asked
"Girl u wouldn't even guess and did Yana tell you about her very fishy —- ."
"Teeeeeee." I screamed " I ain't telling you shit else." We all laughed change our outfits and got in the car and headed to the crazy horse.

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