Chapter 2

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Michael's P.O.V.

This morning was complete shit.

I woke up to the sound of my parents yelling at each other as always.

I got up and started getting ready for school.

When i got downstairs, my dad was not there anymore and my mom was in the kitchen, crying.

I felt so bad for her and i wanted to help her but she told me to stay out of it, that her and my dad where just going through some phase and that it will end soon. That was 8 months ago.

I said bye to my mom before grabbing my backpack and going out the front door and getting into my car. No wait, scratch that. It was a shit box. Not a car. I turned on the radio and started driving to school.


I went straight up to my locker right when I entered the building. I started organizing my books a bit when i heard a voice in back of me. An angel's voice.

'Hi i'm Luke and this is Lisa' Luke Hemmings the hottest boy ever just talked to me. What do I do? Shit he's waiting for me to awnser. Okay Michael play it cool..

'H-hi i'm M-michael.'

Luke smiled at me and continued
"So my friend Lisa had a question to ask you." The gorgeous boy said with a grin on his face for some reason.

The girl next to him-Lisa- started talking.

"Umm h-hi ha umm i just wanted to know if uh maybee you would like to uh g-get some coffee together after school?"

I was so lost in the blond boy's gorgeous blue eyes that I didn't even think before awnering to the GIRL "Ya sure, why not."

Oh no.

What have I done.

I'm not into girls.

Lisa was kind of hot but her bestfriend was my reason to live. Ive had a crush on Luke Hemmings since grade 7 and this is the first time he ever talked to me. But that was just to introduce me to Lisa, which I had a kind-of date with in a few hours. But maybe I could get myself out of this. Just before the two friend were about to leave, I said the smartest/stupidest thing ever.

"Hey Luke, you are coming to right?"

A.N. I am so exited to get a first reader. Hope i'm not that bad. I actally enjoy writing a lot.

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