Chapter 17

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Luke's P.O.V.

This morning I woke up in Michael's arms and he was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful I didn't dare wake him up and I knew he had a free period this morning so he was only starting school at 11 . I started at 8 so I had to hurry and get home. I set Michael's alarm to 10h30 so he can wake up and get ready in time. I got out of bed, put some clothes on, left a note for Michael saying I would see him at school, giving him a goodbye kiss and leaving his house.

Michael had brought us to his house so I had to walk home.

When I entered the house, my mom was in the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and said
"Hi mom! Sorry I didn't tell you I was sleeping at Michael's but I forgave him and..."

"Luke Robert Hemmings look at me in the eyes" she said, lifting my chin with her fingers.

After a few seconds of looking straight into my eyes
"You had sex with Michael!" She yelled

I yelled, panicking.

"Michael tweeted about it." She said, casualy.

"WHAT?!" I asked

"I'm just kidding honey. It's just that you have the same smirk as your dad every time we do it."

"Oh my god. Okay mom this conversation is over."
I said, as I was going out the kitchen.
I was going up the stairs when I heared my mom yell from the kitchen.
"So how was it? Did you top? I bet Michael toped."


"Did you at least use protection?"

I didn't bother awnsering her. I just got ready for school.

When I went down to the kitchen, my mom was still there

"Do you want some breakfast? Maybe some sausages? Oh wait you already had that last night." She said, smirking.
"Bye mom!" I said, walking out of the front door and making my way to school.

Lisa's P.O.V. (You might want to take a deep breath before reading. If you are confused after reading the following dialogue than it's normal, don't worry.)

"You did what?!" Ashton, my cousin, yelled, after I told him what happened with Luke and Michael. Ashton lived in California, and he came to visit me a few times a year. He knew Luke very well, and when he got here and I wasn't with him, he was confused.

"Luke is your bestfriend! He was always there for you when you needed him and he's the sweetest thing! I can't believe you did this. He tried to kill himself because of you!" He continued.

"I know Ash, I fucked up. It's just that, he promised me to help me be with Michael and then he took him for himself! How was I supposed to react?!" I defended

"That's not a reason to act like a bitch Lisa. Now you are a bitch, and I don't think Luke will forgive you."

"Well I don't want him to forgive me. He's just as wrong as me for still being with Michael. "

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Ashton argued with sass.

"Ugh whatever Ashton. You wouldn't get it anyways. I'm going to school are you coming with me to see your dear Luke?" He nodded and walked with me out the front door.

When we got to school I went to my locker and Ashton went to I don't know where.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I hate Lisa right now. What she did to Luke is unforgivable. I was walking in the school's hallway looking for Luke.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentally bumped into someone .

"Sorry!" A gorgeous kiwi boy with black hair apologized.

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