Chapter 13

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Michael's P.O.V.

Luke has been in a coma for 3 days now. I only left the hospital once since I came for the first time and it was to get some stuff and shower. Right now I was sitting in the chair next to him,
I was scrolling through instagram when
I heard the best thing I've ever heard:

"Michael?" I looked up from my phone and my eyes landed on the love of my life , which I didn't talk to for the past 3 days.

"LUKEY BOO YOU WOKE UP BABE!!" I yelled and jumped on the poor boy before covering his face with kisses.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I'M SO GLAD YOUR ALRIGHT!" I continued, before pressing on the nurse button to let them know he's okay.

"I missed you to Mikey." He said weekly and smiling.

"Luke i'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I've been such an idiot for believing Lisa over you. "

"Mikey, can we just forget about that?"

"Thankyou Luke. I love you."

"Yeah." Ouch. He didn't say he loved me back. And that's because he doesn't anymore after what I've done to him.
At that exact moment a bunch of nurses and Liz walked in and jumped on Luke. Liz hugged Luke like he was going to escape, and it was so nice to see them reunited.


"Welcome back to reality Luke. You've been in a coma for almost 3 days so you will be staying here tonight so we can see everything is alright and tomorrow you will be free to leave." The doctor told Luke.

Luke nodded and the doctor left the room.

"Michael how long have you been here?" Luke asked me.

"3 days, why?" I awnsered.

"You need to go home. Take some time, see your parents. I'll be fine with my mom."

"No Luke. I'm leaving with you tomorrow morning. I could stay one more night it's no big deal I mean..."
I couldn't even finish my sentence when Luke cut me off
"Can you just leave me alone! For one night! Just one damn night! You won't die if you sleep in your own bed for a few hours! Jesus Michael!"

Having these words coming out of Luke's mouth hurt me. He didn't want me anymore. I fucked up and he still didn't forgive me. He was right.
Luke was looking straight into my eyes and tears we're threatening to fall from them so I looked away.

"Michael, look i'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you..."

I cut him off
"No it's fine really, I get it. Your sick of me just like everyone one else in my life. It's fine Luke. Really don't worry about it. I'll leave you alone." By now tears were streaming down my face.
I grabbed all of my stuff and before going out, I said one last thing to Luke

"Bye Luke. I love you."

"Bye Michael."

Luke's P.O.V.

Shutting Michael out was very hard. All I wanted was to cuddle with him but I had to seem strong and make him think i can live without him, even if that isn't true at all.

My mom came in and snapped me out of my thoughts

"Hey Lukey, I saw Michael leaving on my way here looking upset. Is everything alright?"

"No mom. Nothing's alright. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is alright.
I can't forgive Michael. I want to forgive him but my heart just won't. "

"It's okay Luke. Your confused and you are aloud to be. No one ever said you would forgive him and everything would go back to normal." Mom was right, as always. Michael is going to have to wait for me to be ready.

A.N. WOOHOOO LUKE WOKE UP!!! If you like my story please vote and comment and if you have any suggestions for the next chapters feel free to comment. Ily guys! <3

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