Chapter 14

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Michael's P.O.V.

When I got back home from the hospital, I found my mother on the ground, crying like the world was ending. She had bruises on her face, and a cut on her lip. I rushed to where she was and picked her up, bringing her in the kitchen and sitting her on a chair. I got a cloth and got it a little wet. As I was trying to fix her cut, I asked her

"Mom, did d-dad do this to you?"

"Michael it's complicated. He was angry and drunk. He didn't know what he was doing. W want you to stay out of it Michael. I will figure it out."

"You said that to me 8 months ago! And look where that led us! Let me help you. Tell me exactly what happened."

This is when my mom told me the whole story. To make a long story short, my dad started drinking and they would have many arguments. This was the third time he physically abused her, and I told her that we have to call the police. This can't last forever. She promised me that she would call them tomorrow morning, because right now, she needed some rest. My dad wouldn't be back until then, so he couldn't hurt hr anymore. I agreed and put her in bed.

I then went to take a shower, to clean my mind a bit, and went to bed . I didn't text Luke goodnight because he said he wanted me to leave him alone. I went to bed, with that thought in mind.


This morning was Sunday, and Luke us getting out of the hospital. I told myself that if he wanted to see me then he would call or something so I didn't try to contact him. I just stayed home and helped my mom deal with her current situation. We called the police and my dad got arrested. The police found him passed out in his car which was in a bar parking lot. Not suprising.


*skip to the next morning*

When I got to school the next day, Luke was no where to be found. He told me that he would go to school on Monday but I guess not.

During recess, the principal called me to her office. I was on my way, thinking of what I could have done wrong .
When I got in her office, I saw an olive skin boy with dark hair . He was pretty attractive but not as much as Luke. He looked asian but I knew he wasn't.

"Oh hello dear.This is Calum, our new student. I was thinking if you could give him a small tour of the school and maybe help him with his schedule. "

"Sure. It wouldn't bother me at all to help him out."
The boy- Calum- who was earlier sitting down stood up and shook my hand

"Calum, Calum Hood. Nice to meet you..?"

"Michael. Michael Clifford." I introduced myself. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I hope you guys will get along well. Now Calum, if you are ready, you and Michael will start the tour."

"Yes, we shall. " He said, grabbing is bag and walking out the office with me.

"So Calum, what brought you here in Sydney?" I asked him, trying to make a conversation.

"I used to live in England, but my dad got a good job offer here so we moved."
He explained.

"Don't worry, you'll like it here." I assured him.

I started the school tour, showing him all the classes, the cafeteria, the gym, etc...

When we finished I helped Calum find his locker, which was right next to mine.

"Can I see your schedule?"
I asked Calum.

He nodded and showed it to me.

"Your next periods are Math, French and Art. I have English , Gym and Social studies which means we wont be together but i'll meet you here at lunch yeah? "

"Okay. See you at lunch."

"See ya."I told him and walked towards my next class, English.


At lunch I met Calum near our lockers and we went to the cafeteria together. We lined up to get our food and went to sit down at my usual table.
Calum looked very sad, and I was kind of concerned.
"Calum, are you okay?"

"Yes, i'm fine. It's just that before I left, my, my boyfriend broke up with me and i'm still not over him."

Boyfriend? So Calum's gay?

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.

"It's not your fault at all but thanks." he said.

"So do you usually sit on your own at lunch?" Calum asked.

"Well usually I sit with my boyfriend but he didn't come today."

"Oh. Will he come tomorrow so I can meet him? "

"I don't know. We'll see."


*skip to the next day*

When I got to school I saw Luke at his locker and ran up to him

"Luke!" I told him.

"Hi Michael. I'm happy you're here I needed to talk to you." He looked pretty serious and that worried me.

"Okay what's the matter?"

Luke sighted before beginning

"Michael I think we should have a break. I'm not breaking up with you and I don't want to break up with you but I need to get my mind off of you for a few days. When I'll be ready for us to be back to normal again I will tell you. I'm sorry Michael." Ouch. Luke was sick of me. He really was. He just told me he needed a break from me. Was my company really that bad?

"Michael?" Luke snapped me out of my thoughts "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah Luke i'm fine. I'll uh i'll see you later." I said before walking away, holding back my tears.

My classes were all awful today because it was either I wasn't with Luke, or I was with him but he would ignore me.

At lunch I was sitting at my usual spot and Calum came to sit with me.

I noticed he was smiling so i questioned him

"Why are you so happy mate?"

Calum's smile grew bigger and he explained

"Well, today I met a boy and he was very nice to me. He's the hottest thing. His hair is gorgeous ,you could get lost in his eyes faster than in a huge maze, AND he was flirting with me all day long. "

"Is he here? Can you point at him so I know who it is?" I asked, curious of who that boy was.

Calum looked around the cafeteria searching his 'prince charming' from his eyes.

He smiled when he found him and declared
"Yes, there he is."

He said, pointing over to none other then my boyfriend.

The disappointment was probably clear on my face because Calum frowned and asked me

"Is everything alright? What happened, do you know him?"

"Umm, yes Calum. Luke is my boyfriend."

A.N. So that was Calvin the asian one's entrance in the story! Calpal's got a little crush on Lukey pookey.Hope you liked it. Please vote and comment ily guys <3

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