Chapter 7

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Luke's P.O.V.

Tonight i'm going to the movies with Michael. Lisa wouldn't stop calling me. I love her but she's so annoying some times. I know that lying to Michael by saying she couldn't come tonight was wrong, but that was my only chance to get a moment alone with him. Lisa would kill me if she knew that I was going to be with Michael without telling her, but I really need to get to know him better.

Michael said he would pick me up around 7:30 because because the movie started at 8:00. It was 6:45 and I still have nothing to wear. I went to my wardrobe and chose a pair of black skinny jeans and a nirvana t-shirt.

I was done getting ready when I got a call from Michael ; it was 7:35 and he told me he was in front of my house. I said goodbye to my mom and left the house. I walked in Michael's car and he greeted me with a smile. He looked great. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a hole in each knee and a grey jumper. He was also wearing a black leather jacket.

"Hi Luke." Ugh. Every time he said my name my heart fluttered like crazy .

"Hi Michael." I said.

"You look great." Oh my goodness. I could feel my cheeks heating up so I turned my head to face the window so he can't see my probably red cheeks.

" Thanks you too." I simply said.

We arrived to the movie theatre and Michael parks the car. We get out of it and walk towards the entrance. We both get in line to get the tickets.

"Umm Luke?" Michael said. He looked worried.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Is that Lisa?" He asked, pointing over to the girl I really didn't want to bump in right now.

She was with her friends Emily and Hannah and thank god she didn't see us yet.

"Didn't you say she couldn't come tonight?" Oops. Busted.

"Michael I will awnser to any question you have but right now you need to help me getting out of here without Lisa seeing us." I told Michael.

He gave me a confused look but we both pit our hoodies on and he took my hand and pulled me out of the theatre. We ran as fast as we could and when were outside we started laughing at how ridiculous this is.

When we were done laughing Michael finally spoke up

"Luke you owe me explanations. Big time."

"Michael i'm sorry. I lied to you. Lisa was would've came if I asked her to. It's just that I wanted to get to know you better. I wanted to have a good time alone with you. I like you Michael. I know that we haven't actually been knowing each other for very long but i really do. And I kind of felt threatened by Lisa because, well, she likes you too."

Michael just looked at me during my hole speech. Before I knew a pair of lips were crashed onto mine. When I realized what was happening I instantly kissed back. I felt his hands on my waist and i put my harms around his neck. We both pulled away when the kiss got too heated and we looked at each other fir a few seconds before he finally said

"I like you too Luke. Ive liked you since forever and when you came up to me the other day, i can't even explain how happy I was . I don't want to be mean or anything but Lisa is really not my type. You are my type Luke. You won't believe me if I tell you how hard it was for me to resist kissing you when I saw you'r perfect lips or your super hot lip ring. I really like you too. I really do."

I couldn't think of any proper awnser to this beautiful speech so I just kissed him. I felt in our second kiss the same amount of fireworks as in the first one.

We spent the rest of the night in Michael' car joking around and talking. Michael was amazing and to be honest, that night was the best night of my life.

A.N. Yay they admitted they liked each other!!!!!!

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