♡Chapter 3♡

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Dream- Normal
Error- Bold and italics
Blue- Bold
Ink- italics
Nightmare- Bold, italics and underlined
Killer- Italics and underline

Dream's POV:

     "So Blue what are you doing here?" Dream asked, "Oh about that sci got kidnapped and Ink wants us to meet him in snowdin". "-_-" Was all I could say "oh OH LETS GOOO THEN!!" Blue said as he grabbed my wrist and shoved both of us in a portal to snowdin. Ink was already waiting tapping his foot in the snow "Oh thank god you guys came what took you so long???" Ink said as Nightmare and his crew teleported across from us. "Well well look who we have here" I could see the grin on his face as he looked at me, shivers running down my spin. Nightmare let Sci go he then ran toward us, Blue teleported him to his AU. Then it began again as all ran as we all knew nobody would win. Dust and Horror were after Blue, and Killer and Cross were after Ink...meaning Nightmare was going for me. I quickly took out my staff turning it into a bow, he shot his tentacles at me I dodged them but one hit me in the shoulder. My shoulder was bleeding but I still kept going I took out my arrows bending my wouded shoulder and shooting arrows at him. I shot him in the leg which got him angrier, he was about to throw his tentacles but a portal appeared and...Error came out. He motioned Error to come take care of me while he healed his leg. Error then shot his strings at me but I teleported in time I hid behind a rock so I could heal my shoulder. Usually Ink would tale care of Error but he was busy with Killer and Cross. I saw Error looking for me...now was my chance I shot arrows at him from behind but missed all of them I quickly ducked down not wanting to give away my spot. He found were I was and his gaster blaster aimed and hit the rock I was behind, a shard from the rock hit my palm. I was almost done healing my shoulder but my hand was the important problem, I wouldn't be able to use my bow and it was bleeding a lot. I got up to walk but fell down as he walked towards me I felt tears start to form on my tearducts, he wouldn't kill me right? Right? I questioned myself over and over again...I have to be positive I was pretty sure he could feel my negative emotions. I was far from the others so I couldn't call for help without making Error mad. I got up and wiped my tears away with my hand that didn't get hurt. I tried running away but it was all trees I just kept going not looking back. I then hid behind a tree and look the direction I last saw him, he wasn't there so I tried squinting. It was clear I then put my back on the tree closing my eyes and sighed. I then opened my eyes and there he was in front of me I slowly tilited my head up and I could see his eyes, my eyes widened with fear. I gasped but he squeezed my soul with his strings I whined as the strings didn't move. "ShHh" He whispered as he moved a little closer puttings his arms on the tree next to my head still looking behind the tree. I was a blushing mess I couldn't believe the ERROR was next to me. "I'lL lEt YoU gO bUt OnLy ThIs OnCe...GoT iT" he said as he looked away not wanting to make eye contact. I looked at him with a questioned face, he then looked at me with a rensuring smile. I whispered "thanks" then teleported to Outertale. I healed my shoulder but I needed bandages for my hand. I then remember how much it was bleeding and fainted hitting the ground only to see Blue teleport and come running towards me with Ink behind.

                     ~~TIME SKIP~~

Error's POV:

Wow I really just did that...I must really like Dre-
"Error!" Oh shit-
"WhAt Do YoU wAnT?!" I said annoyed. I teleported out of the forest and towards everybody else. "Did you get him!?" I could hear him get angry.
Hesh take a chill pill night...
"No I dIdN't GeT hIm..." I said as I put my hands in my pocket to reach for some chocolate. "Why couldn't you he's WEAKER than you!!!" I chewed on my chocolate looking at his annoyed face. "MaYbE hE gOt FaStEr, AnD I jUsT cOuLdN't KeEp Up." I said with a straight face.

Nightmare's POV:

        "Tsk" was all I could say. I left the DESTROYER OF AUS in control of capturing my brother and he couldn't do that?! He could destroy a whole au but he couldn't catch a weakling. Something was going on I had to get to the bottom of it. I teleported to the castle with everybody else...I went to my room trying to put all the pieces together.
"Aha!" I exclamied as I came down stairs to talk to Killer cause you know...yeah.
"I need you to do something for me its important and you can't tell anybody else especially Error got it." I said looking at Killer "uhhh...y-yes sir" he said with his mouth full of marshmallows...I looked at him disgusted. I whispered what to do in his (non- existing)ear, he gulped as I stood straight and walked back upstairs to my room.


Hello again my peeps:D
Hope your having a fantastic day and that your being productive in your free time and ummm....I give u all my uwu's <3


♡Insomnia♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ