♡Chapter 4♡

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Dream- Normal
Error- Bold and italics
Killer- italics and underline
Nightmare- Bold, italics and underline
Ink- italics
Blue- Bold

Dream's POV:

I woke up and my head was spinning I was...I was in my bed? I got up and put my hand on my head to help the pain. I sat up on the edge of my bed, I looked at my hand it was covered with bandages. Ink must have healed it while I fainted. I got up and went to go brush my teeth I saw a bruise on my shoulder from the day before. I finished brushing my teeth and I got undressed to go in the shower, I got in and washed my body. I got lost in thought about why would Error SPARE ME like what did I do to earn his trust...was it the chocolates?? I finished showering and put on my pants, I was putting my shirt on when Ink busted in "Hey Dream are you almost done-". My shirt was in between my arms exposing my chest...I looked at him in shocked and he looked back at me with a ●-●" look. I saw his face turn rainbow then I felt mine heating up, he slowly closed the door. When it closed I was SCREECHING in my head I finished getting dresses and quietly walked downstairs not wanting it to be an awkward moment. I saw Ink with his hands over his ears, closing his eyes. I could still see a tint of rainbow that made me blush even more thinking about it. I sat down next to him while Blue went to the bathroom. "Soo..." I said looking the opposite direction of him "yeah..." I saw him bite his lip in embarrassment. I felt bad for him cause if I was in his place and saw my friend half naked I wouldn't be able to handle it. "I-its okay Ink we all make mistakes you just didn't know that's all.....?" I said as I patted his head. "You sure you forgive me?" He said with one of his pupils turning into a question mark. "Yeah it was an accident" I said hugging him, he hugged me back "so when you guys hug its okay but when I do im to 'clingy'". Me and Ink both laughed "aww come here" he said while both of us opened our arms letting Blue come.

                         ~~TIME SKIP~~

Dream's POV:

After we ate breakfast Blue and Ink went to go do some community help in Underswap. I went to go help someone with negative emotions, it was Outertale again. I was wondering if this was being planned again, I walked towards a path leading to the cliff. I looked down thinking it could be over any second, I then turned around to see Error in front of me. I gasped at his appearance I could feel my foot go over the cliff. Error grabbed my hand and threw me to the path, but fell forward on me. When the dust cleared out I could see him inches away from my face I felt my face heating up. "UhH sOrRy" he said while getting up and looking the other way. Once I got up I asked a question " so...were you the one that pulled this prank thingy?" I asked "YoU oWe Me" He said with sass, and putting his hand on his hip. I was shocked at his attitude. "Riiiiight..." I said as I held my hands together in front of me, not knowing what to say. "WaNnA sIt DoWn?" He asked so casually we sat at the edge looking at the stars. He noticed my hand covered in bandages "DiD I dO tHaT?" He looked at me with a questioned face, "o-oh this thing haha f-funny you mentioned t-that..." I said looking away trying to come up with an excuse and to not get him mad. He looker at me with an eyebrow raised waiting for a response. I felt this feeling inside of me when he look at me...like I was gonna explode. I looked into his eyes as he stared back I felt my face heating up ."U-umm your gaster blaster kinda hit the rock and a shard kinda hit my hand..." I said as I closed my eyes hoping he wouldn't get mad. He just laughed as he continued to look up "Error when I met you I asked if something bothered you andd y-you didn't give an accurate response" I asked nervously as he looked down. "I aSkEd If YoU wErE sCaReD oF mE...aNd ThAt WaS mY rEsPoNsE cAuSe PeOpLe ArE sCaReD oF fOr No ReAsOn...". I looked at him with regret, he's just another skeleton who is judged for his actions. "I dOn'T eVeN eNjOy DeStRoYiNg As MuCh As PeOpLe ThInK...I jUsT dO iT fOr ThE BaLaNcE..." He said looking at me "what balance?" He made a face of confusion. "UmMm...LiKe YoU aNd NiGhTmArE, hE's NeGaTiVe AnD eVeRyThInG bAd...AnD yOu...YoUr PoSiTiVe AnD fRiEnDlY...". I looked down at what he had said about Nightmare he wasn't always mean and negitive. He was once a nice kid who loved to read and loved his brother too. I felt my aura go down suddenly as I thought more and more. I realized I spaced out and felt a tear come down, I faced the opposite way and wiped my tear and smiled back at him. I was pretty sure Error saw everything and felt my aura go down, "YoU oKaY dReAm?" I looked at him with a resuring smile hoping it would not make him question me. "AnYwAy ThAt WoUlD bE tHe BaLaNcE, aNd My ReSpOnSe To YoUr QuEsTiOn..." I looked at him and smiled. "You know Error your not that bad..." I said as I started to get up, I reached out my hand for him to reach. I waited and he just stared at my hand, it took me a while to what I was doing wrong. "OMG s-sorry Error" I took my hand behind my back, he then got up and said "It'S oKaY, bAbY sTePs" he chuckled. That gave me a brilliant idea, I gasped "that's a great idea but how??" I said as put a finger on my chin tapping my foot on the dirt, Error just looked at me confused. "I got it!" I said as I squealed "how about a handshake?" I said with a smile. "LeT mE tHiNk AbOuT iT...hMm NaH" He said with a smirk as he looked down on me, "pretty pleasessss" I said as used my puppy eyes. "WhAt ArE yOu DoIng??" He said raising his eye brow, "i'm trying to convince you" I said still holding my puppy eyes. "FiNe BuT iT hAs To Be ShOrT" he said stubbornly, aha Blue's idea did work...oh right! I took out my hand and put it out for him to shake...but he just stared as if he didn't know what to do. "You have to shake it" I said sarcastically as I waited for him, "WeLl SoRrY" as said with sarcasm back. He slowly put his hand next to mine as he closed his eyes, I watched as he put his fingers through mine. He peeked as I slowly shook his hand up and down curious how he didn't crash. "See wasn't that bad" I said as I giggled to see him snatch his hand back to him I saw him smile at his hand like he did something great. "Well I have to get going or else they would get suspicious" I said as I waved back. I saw him wave back as he teleported somewhere else...for once I actually felt some positive emotions from Error.


Hello again sorry I didn't post yesterday idk why i'm saying sorry if literally nobody reads these T-T
Anyways do your homework if you got any and stay positive because who knows when the world might end...umm good nigh- I mean morning it's like 3:29 where I am.
And thx to the 13 people who read my stories you guys know has to lift someone's spirit.

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