♡Chapter 14♡

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Dream- Normal
Error- Bold and italics
Ink- italics
Outer- Underline
Nightmare- Bold, italics, underline

Dream's POV:

He stared at me as I stared back in surprise. I didn't know what to do or what he would do cause I haven't met this sans before. I only knew that he wore a sweater with yellow and blue stripes. I pushed away his hand away from my chin as he just stared at my movements. "Um w-who are y-you?" I said as I looked to him, "Outer, and you are...?" He stood up straight to where I was up to his mouth. I could feel him stare down at me as I kept my eyes down to my feet. "My n-name is Dream" I said with a awkward smile, he put his hands in his pockets as he looked around. "So...what are you doing here this late?" I remembered he had already asked that same question, I guess he really wanted to know. "I guess you could say I was t-talking with a close friend" I said as I brushed my hand against the back of my neck in embarrassment. "That didn't seem like a close friend to me...is he your boyfriend?" My face flustered as he called Error my boyfriend, I sighed and remembered he probably doesn't want anything to do with me now. "Heh...he's not my b-boyfriend he's just a...close friend?" I didn't know what he was if he wasn't my boyfriend, maybe like my best friend?? "So your single?" I didn't know why he wanted to know so much about it but I guess it didn't bother me. "Um I-I guess so..." I looked away as I didn't know what he would get out of this information. I put my hands behind my back as I looked around not wanting to be in this awkward situation. As I looked to my right I could see an arm had been moved to the tree. I traced the arm back to the rest of the body, I looked up to face Outer looking at me with a smirk. My face heated up as I kept looking at him. I didn't know what else to do I closed my eyes and hoped that he would just go away. As I opened I could see that he was leaning in for a kiss I was in shock...I barely knew him and he was gonna kiss me?! I put my hand over his face and shoulder stopping him from getting closer. "Um sorry but I don't l-like you..." I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I was interested in someone else. I saw him stand up straight and look down as he put his hands back into his pockets. He looked kinda emotionless, I felt bad as soon as those words came out my mouth. "C-can you teleport me back to xxxxx?" I said with a rush as this was probably my only chance back home. I guess he spaced out a bit but I swear I saw a smirk "sure". He put his arm out for me to hold it, I hesitated but I was wanted to go home. I wrapped my arm around his as I waited to teleport back home. "Close your eyes" I looked at him with a confused face but did it anyways. I could see some flashing lights but ignored it, "you can open them now". I opened my eyes and I could see the house, I looked down knowing I would have to see them sooner or later. I realised I was slowly closing my eyes falling asleep, still holding his arm. A light tint of blush appeared as I noticed, "well thank you...Outer" I said as I looked back with a smile. As I took my arm away from his I walked towards the door, I didn't realize how tired I was until I let go of him. I stopped and looked back, I waved to him as I opened it. I closed it behind me as I questioned why it was unlocked in the first place. It was dark inside cause it was late like maybe 2 in the morning, I couldn't really see anything. I could see the moon light come through the windows but that was almost it. As I was about to walk forwards a lamp turned on, I jumped in shock as I wasn't expecting to see anyone even at this time. I squinted lightly to see who had turned it on and in the chair next to it I could see Nightmare. "Whos was that?" I didn't want to talk to him even after he just stood there while Ink...nevermind. I didn't know how to respond either I had just met Outer so he wasn't really a friend. "A friend..?" I didn't want to sound suspicious but I guess I did, "Why did he drop you off?" I looked down with an annoyed look, I was tired and I didn't have time for these questions. "Error took my staff so I couldn't teleport and he helped me get here...is that all?" I could see him get up and walk towards my way I stepped back a bit as I didn't want to get near him. I guess he noticed cause he soon stopped, "look Dream i'm sorry about what had happened...". I closed my eyes in annoyance, I didn't want to talk about it...especially with him. "It was all my plan...Ink didn't mean any of it..." I shot my eyes open, why would he do this of all people he had to do this. I kept my head down as I spaced out into my thoughts. "It's okay...I forgive you" I turned my head to him with a smile but I closed my eyes as I couldn't faceat him. "You do?" I could hear the hesitation in his voice but I didn't care anymore. "Yes I do...and i'm tired so i'm gonna go rest" I wasn't going to wait for his response so I just went upstairs. Good thing the lamp was on or else I could have tripped on the stairs. I ran into my room and shut the door behind me, I hopped into my bed and knocked out right away.


I could feel the sun on my face as I slowly woke up, I blinked lightly as I was adjusting to the brightness. I groaned as I as the sun was being annoying, half awake I got up. I closed the curtains to the balcony I squinted my eyes as it was bright outside. I rubbed my eyes as I finished, as I walked back to the bed I could see someone in the corner of my eye sitting the chair. I jumped and faced the chair as I looked I could tell straight away it was Error but...he was sleeping? I rubbed my eyes harder to make sure I wasn't day dreaming or anything. I walked closer and I could see him beside my staff from the night before. Why was he here? I couldn't help but wonder and space out. I could hear him shuffle a bit and that was enough for me to run for my bed and get under the covers. As I faced away from him I kept on thinking, I could hear him get up from the chair and walk towards the bed. I could feel the covers be picked up...what was he doing? Did he know I was awake? All of a sudden I could feel him lay down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me towards him and nuzzled his head into my neck. I blushed to what he did, I didn't want to move and wake him up...might as well enjoy this while I can. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, as I was about to fall asleep the door open quietly but not enough for me to hear it. I could see two blurry figures walk in with something in their hands, I was to tired to care so I just let them do what they wanted. I could hear the snaps from their phones and giggles slowly drift off as I fell aslep. It felt like a few minutes later but I woke up as I wasn't so tired anymore. I could see Error was awake as he was playing with his stings. I turned to him and smiled at him lightly, he showed me what he had made with his strings and it was the shape of a heart. My face flustered, I kissed his cheek in affection. I could see some blush on him as he look away in embarrassment. I giggled in response to his reaction, "HoW'd YoU gEt HoMe YeStErDaY...?" He looked at me with a questioned look, "Outer teleported me here". I didn't know if he would get mad, even after what I had told him yesterday. "WhO's ThAt?" He stared at me with a still face, I kinda panicked but thought nothing of it. "I don't really know either I just met him yesterday and I asked" I remembered he had tried to kiss me. I didn't really like it...I liked Error and that was that. "WeLl I gOtTa MeEt Up WiTh ThE oThErS sO...bYe" he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. As I thought he had left he kissed me then teleported before I could say anything. My face heated up in a blink of a second as I realised what he did. I sat up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, after I was done I did my routine and got dressed. As I sat on my bed I could hear the door knock and open slightly enough for me to see whos was peeking. It was Ink...don't get me wrong I don't despise him, I just...don't really feel comfortable around him. I put my head down as he walked sat next to me, I clenched the bed as I could feel the anxiety eating me up inside. "Dream c-can we talk...?" I could hear him say as I didn't want to look at him. I nodded hesitantly as I felt uncomfortable. "I know what I did was wrong...and its j-just eating me up inside that I was the one in control!" I felt like crying then and there as he said those words. I felt bad as I knew that he didn't mean any of his actions that night and he was just...why did Nightmare do that in the first place! "It's okay if you don't forgive me but i'm really sorry...I j-just wanted you to know that..." I looked over to him and he was starting to tear up. It broke my heart to see my best friend cry, I felt like I couldn't do anything else but just hug him. I squeezed him as I didn't want to lose my best friend over something he didn't mean. He hugged me back, I could hear his sniffles slowly start to stop. As well parted he rubbed his tears away, I just had to ask him a question. "Ink I just have to ask, why exactly did Nightmare tell you to do those things?" He looked kinda shocked like he wanted to say something, "oh yeah, he- I mean we kinda wanted to see if you would cheat on Error...but turns out you guys weren't even dating!" I was shocked that they would think that I would cheat-
right...were not dating... "Why aren't you guys dating anyways, you guys are always so close it even seems like it" I didn't know how to awnser either its just...I don't know how to comprehend these feelings for Error. "I d-don't know either...I guess I don't know how to be in a relationship...?" I could tell Ink was confused by his facial expressions, I didn't even know if I could be boyfriend material...

2067 words
hewwo! Um I don't really know what to say for a pep talk but um don't die I guess :P
Luv ALL ya guys! <3

♡Insomnia♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora