♡Chapter 22♡

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Blue's POV:

I didn't think it would be this type of potion. I didn't mind actually I kinda liked it, I don't know why I just did. After Ink left the room so did I, I couldn't stop think about it. I have to a neko for an entire week, what was I supposed to do meanwhile. We had a few boxes so we were pretty much finished at this point. I looked up to my ears, they were blue, I touched them and surprisingly they were soft. I think I purred because I heard something. I stopped, that was weird. I shook my thoughts away and continued to put them away, I went on my tippy toes to reach the top of the rack but I couldn't reach. All of a sudden I could see a hand grab the bottle and put it on top like nothing. I looked over to see it was Dust, my eyes widened as I jumped a bit. "You were to short to reach anyways..." I blushed a bit and pouted. We stood in silence for a bit, and it felt

A W K W A R D. "Um Ink told me we could go home since its already night" WE... AHHH... WoO cAlm down Blue. "B- but what about the others?" He looked at the boxes on the floor "they are gonna finish up, they don't want you to stay up to late" Aha so they did care! I was worried but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. I smiled softly tly and agreed to go with Dust.

Ink's POV:

I had told Dust to take Blue home, and that he could go to if  he wanted to. I didn't wanna be a neko especially since you purr when someone pets you. Nightmare was still laughing, honestly... I wanted to kill him for that. It was a Saturday so Sunday was when it would go away forever. Science had asked Nightmare if he could finish up Blue's room, and I was running out of boxes so I had to call Error in. "Error!" He came in with an annoyed look, "wHaT?" I pointed to the empty boxes, he groaned as he went back outside. He brought back in 10 boxes with his strings, "tHeRe?" He crossed his arms, "yeah, thanks for the attitude-" I was cut off by giggling. I looked in the next room to see Dream laughing with Sci. I looked over to Error who was just staring at them. "Go get your mans~" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He gave me a weird look before heading to Dream, I could see him teleport Sci somewhere else. Dream looked at him confused but Error just hugged him. I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures before they could notice. I turned around only to see Nightmare looking at me, I jumped a bit, this guy is going to be the death of me. "You can't do that Nightmare, you're gonna give me a heart attack one day" he just laughed as he helped with the boxes.

Dream's POV:

I was laughing from a joke Sci bad told me before Error cam in and teleported him away. I didn't understand why he did it but oh well, that was Error I guess. I was shocked when he hugged me, I was guessing something had happened cause Ink was taking photos. I just hugged back ofcourse, I hadn't noticed but he had picked me up over his shoulder. "U- um Error??" He didn't say anything, he just stayed silent and teleported us back to my room. "W- what are you d- doing?" He just put me on the bed and crawled on to, he hadn't said anything so I was confused and we had to get back. "Erm-" I was than killed with cuteness as he cuddled with me :')

Back to Ink:

I didn't expect anything to happen but they had just teleported without us, how rude. I'll just make them do extra chores! I- if Dream doesn't get to scary, if you know what I mean. Ih he does than Blue will do them, ugh why is it so hard to be the mom. Wait- I'm not the mom, Dream is... but... he's shorter... hmm... something fishy is going on here...
"Hey where did Dream go?" Wasn't he here next to me?! Is he that blind?! "Um well they kinda left..." he gjust glared at me "who's they?" Man was he clueless, and yet I still like him!! "Dream and Err-" I was cut off by angry octopus noises. We had decided to leave cause it was probaby 4 in the damn morning and I was getting grumpy so I need some nap time! I still wasn't sure where Error had teleported Sci and I was to tired to get him so I just decided that I would leave a note saying we left and wouldn't be back. I know it was mean but hell did I care i'm tired-



Ahh, sleep did work-
Oh yea sorry about last night, um I can give this in return!
*smooches camera*
*Snatches Ink*

Choose option:

Option A: "okie" small tear

Option B: "no he's mine!" runs after them

If you choose Option A:
"look you made the ugly potatoe cry"
*slaps octopus*

*hugs you*
"I'm here my child"
*you grin at Nootmare as you hug Ink back*


If you choose Option B:

has epic battle over Ink*

Blue: "So your here to"
Dream: "yup, want some popcorn!"
Horror: "can you guys shut up!"
Dream: "okie..."
*Error currently trying to kill Horror*
"Can you guys stop... this is embarrassing"


Extra cut sence: to that one comment that wants to see Error's reaction:

Error's POV:

Taps Mic
"Is It WoRkInG? OKaY"
*clears throat*
"I lOvE cAtS, dReAm Is A cAt, I lOvE dReAm... PeRiOd"
*cheers, whistles, clapping could be heard from the crowd*
*Dream backstage sighing in embarrassment*
*Blue and Ink dying from happiness*
*Bad guys holding back Nootmare from killing Error*

1071 words
I really don't know what this chapter is... but it sounds good I guess. Um I may be ending this book quite soon, but hey... I may or may not be writing another (insomnia) book
*wink wink*
Luv ya guys, ya the best uwu

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