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"Why were you in his arms then if he didn't hurt you?" Vincent asked slowly as Wyatt growled loudly at me.

I was sat down on a Chesterfield single seat and stared up at the two stressing men who were glaring, growling and yelling.

"He saved me from a trip and I didn't know that it was Crane" I defended and Wyatt rolled his eyes at me.

"I saw you two kiss! What the fuck Lana? You don't even know the guy and you kiss him?" Wyatt hissed at me.

"Fuck off Wyatt! Luella was telling me- no she was ordering me to stop my attempts of killing Crane!" I yelled back.

"Luella? Luella Degreya?" Vincent asked quietly while staring at both of us.

"Yeah that's her" I snapped before Wyatt could even respond.

"She's bad news kids. A servant of Crane. Her type worship him like he is God" Vincent hissed, "I let you go out for two hours and look what happened! You attract problems like magnet! You stay in there now!" Vincent yelled, his thick Italian accent making him stumble on some english words.

"Bambini fastidiosi, il bastardo aveva già approfittato su Lana! Ha intenzione di attaccare di nuovo lentamente! So solo che." Vincent yelled at the passing maid who looked at Vincent with wide eyes and talked in Italian back at him.

"Devo bloccare i bambini nella loro stanza?" She asked timidly.

Vincent furiously shook his head at her.

"No need to Maria. They are fine" He muttered and glared at us.

"But my lord-" Maria started, her Italian accent thickening with emotions.

"No need Maria. They will fend themselves" He muttered, "Wyatt go find Oliver. I will have a talk with Lana for a moment. Call in Jordan Maria" He ordered loudly.

I gulped and shrunk further in my seat.

"Lana" Vincent sighed out loudly and took a seat in front of me.

"Yeah?" I asked softly and looked at his piecing blue eyes.

"Why did you let him kiss you?" Vincent asked gently.

"I didn't know- I just" I groaned and carried on "I felt something that was like pure euphoria Vincent when he touched me. I knew that he was familiar to me but it hadn't cross my mind that he was the devil himself" I babbled and stared at Vincent who gave me a small smile, which I caught very rarely.

"You know why you were chosen to kill Leonard?" He asked but I shook my head at this.

"Wyatt is way stronger, but Lana you are a real beauty. So many men would want you for themselves and so does Leonard. Leonard is so gullible when it is about love. You will make him fall in love with you and then you will kill in in his vulnerable state, understood?" Vincent asked me roughly.

I felt odd and sick. It all felt wrong at the moment which made me feel like a betrayer.

He killed your mother Lana!

Jordan walked in quietly and shook hands with Vincent.

"What's the matter?" Jordan asked and took a seat next to me.

Vincent grinned at Jordan and handed him a paper out of his front pant's pocket.

Jordan frowned at the letter but gasped when he read it.

"No way!" He yelled and launched himself on Vincent, hugging him.

"How did you do that?!" Jordan yelled at him.

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