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"You fine there?" Vincent popped his head inside my room and whispered quietly to me.

I rose up from my bed and nodded my head sleepily at him.

"What's up?" I asked him as he huddled in, his bright blue eyes sparkling with some mischief I discovered recently, living inside of Vincent.

"Just checking on you and Wyatt. Where is he by the way?" Vincent asked me and eyed the room carefully.

"Out smoking" I told him and pointed towards the French doors of the balcony.

"Has been there for a long time?" Vincent asked me curiously as he sat down on the edge of the king sized bed.

"Yeah, he's been thinking about that Crane thing y'know. It changes the way we see everything now. This Crane guy is pure sick and evil. And how can we get in contact with him?" I demanded, staring at Vincent while he sighed.

"I'll tell you a story okay?" Vincent asked me and sighed gruffly, clasping his chubby fingers together and closed his eyes, his head down.

"There was this witch in town when I was a teenager. I was carefree and very oblivious about the powers that I possessed. I destroyed and killed with no endings. One day the witch approached me, saying that what I was doing was wrong, that she has been watching me with careful eyes since I threw a severe tantrum just like Wyatt's which cause the death of five persons who where surrounding me. She told me that to prevent myself from killing further people, she will give me a ring; typical of a witch. I didn't believe her but played along because at sixteen you would swallow every shit someone who claims to be a witch. She was from Louisiana and very popular among us. Two days after she gave me that ring, my auras rebelled and after I calmed down more people were dead, dead in a way where they did not possess a soul anymore. Unconsciously I had traded their souls to Hell just to calm down. Until today I never saw that witch again" Vincent said softly and smiled when Wyatt came in, frowning at him.

"Didn't you track her down?" I asked him curiously and moved to my right, when Wyatt got in the bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

Vincent chuckled and smiled sadly at me.

"Never heard of her since that incident Lana. She was working for demons because witches who lived and worked for themselves didn't trade souls"

"What does that have to do with the Crane situation?" Wyatt asked impatiently.

"She works for Crane" He told us slowly and stood up with struggle and when he was up, staring down at both of us, my ears were perked up in alert.

"What does that mean?" I asked slowly.

"We are tracking her down. Ready yourself for Louisiana" Vincent said and pocketed out a pair of magazine-like papers, throwing them at Wyatt's chest.

When I looked down at it, I chuckled.

Plane tickets.


"God I'm jet-lagged" Gael whined out.

"That's what happen when you travel to the other side of the globe" Jordan snapped back at her, rubbing his temples annoyingly.

"How many whiskey did you swallow?" Oliver teased and slapped my brother on the back.

"It was champagne man, only champagne" Jordan corrected and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, sighing.

"You're not drunk aren't you?" I asked him curiously and stared at him while he rubbed his stubbled chin.

"No. Hungover little sister" He corrected once again and lead us out of the airport.

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