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"So what is exactly the plan?" Leo asked Vincent quietly as Vincent walked down the stairs in his very elegant black tux. His black hair was slicked with gel and pull back, enhancing his bright blue eyes.

Oliver followed shortly after with an equally handsome attire.

His dark brown hair pulled back and looked cleaned when he shaved. His brown eyes flickered to mine and he gave me a handsome smile.

"Looking good enough for the ladies?" Oliver asked me with a smirk.

"Dashing and ready to shag" I muttered to him when Vincent was not looking.

Leo snorted next to me but stopped when Wyatt was the next one to walk down the stairs but he was not dressed up fancily.

In fact he was dressed casually with v-neck creme shirt and a pair of faded jeans.

He was pouting when he walked down the stairs with a frown on his face. He was thinking hard of something.

"What's up?" I asked him curiously as he came to stand beside me.

Vincent smiled happily at both of us and then gestured to Leo.

"Leonard is coming with us tonight. French people are there too, french demons are very cruel there and we have to make with them. Leonard go change up in something more- uh decent" Vincent said uncomfortably, offering a small apologetic smile at Leo who only gave him a dry look.

"Wyatt and Lana are going to find that witch. At least try to find some of her workers. I got the information from someone that she has a shop just downtown. Two minute walk maximum" Oliver told us and handed Wyatt a paper.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"Just give that to one of the workers there and make sure you mark your visit. Make them always remember you both. Use your powers. You have a lot more power than you think you have. Psychic it's just psychic" Vincent told us softly with a smile.


"So what's up?" I asked Wyatt softly as we walked down the empty alley.

"We look for her down Sesame Road" Wyatt replied softly and grabbed my hand in his to pull me closer, letting a much bigger space on the sidewalk between some people and I.

I frowned and pulled my hand away roughly from his and stepped in front, blocking him away.

"I meant as what's up with you?" I asked him, my frown deepening.

Wyatt stared at me for a minute before trying to push me away.

"Wyatt!" I yelled and held his hands in mine, growling lowly at him.

"We have something to do right? So let's get going now!" He yelled back at me and tried to yank his hands away as if my touch was burning him.

"What is wrong with you?!" I asked as he successfully yanked his hands away and walked ahead of me letting me scream like a mad woman.

"Lana we will talk back home" He said snappily.

"Home?" I scoffed and marched towards him, grabbing hold of his shoulder and turned him around, "We don't have a home anymore. What home are you talking about?" I hissed back and glared at his angry brown eyes.

Wyatt sighed and closed his eyes.

"Someone is going to die tonight and my guts is saying that it is you" He said quietly as some people passed by us.

"How do you know that? Is that some kind of magic?" I asked quietly.

Wyatt shook his head and grabbed hold of my elbow to yank me by his side and walk as if nothing was wrong.

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