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Oliver stared at us, with a shocked expression on.

His normal, smirky face vanished the moment Wyatt walked in the house, cursed Gael and started to get angry.

"What are we Oliver?" I asked him once again.

He did get the meaning of the question.

"You are not witches or satanist that's for sure okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

Oliver didn't dare to look at Wyatt who was quietly holding my hand, glaring at his shoes.

"Then what?"

"You are called Alvida, when you get angry, all your auras become one. An Alvida does not posses only one aura, he posses all different auras. All the auras that can exist, you both posses it so when you get angry or frustrated, they become one. You start seeing things in blue or even pitch black. Sometimes you don't see anything since your auras are blinding you-"

"Is that some sort of joke?" Wyatt whispered.

"Wyatt shut up for once and listen" I snapped back at him.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Carry on Oliver"

"Sure. Alvidas are not creations of witches or whatsoever, you are just god-gifted with the capability to unite all you auras to form one and let your anger out without hurting your surroundings"

"But why Crane is looking for us?" Wyatt asked and looked up at Oliver.

"I cannot answer this question since I'm still looking for the answer" Oliver said quietly and stood up.

"Now that you know what you really are, don't go around spreading the news to everyone. This isn't some kind of Paulo Coelho novel where witches are accepted in the society, got it? You shut your mouth and watch your back" Gael said and stood up too, next to her brother.

The night passed quickly and the next morning, I didn't want to wake up.

My head was resting on Wyatt's bare chest and my arms were sore.

When Wyatt was angry, he would go running. But I didn't want to leave him alone in that state so I went running too.

And I regretted it.

"You still sore?" He mumbled through his sleep.

His deep, velvet-like, husky voice was muffled by my hair since he buried his face in them.

"Yep and my arms hurt like a motherfucker" I added.

"What about your legs?" He asked and opened his eyes to look at my bare legs exposed to him.

I looked up at him miserably and pouted "I cannot feel them" I muttered out and he laughed loudly.

"You're such a lazy ass. It was only four kilometres!"

"I can't even go for fifty metres!" I argued back and he continued to laugh.

"Oh my god! I never met someone as lazy as you" He chuckled and wrapped his arms back around me.

Silence consumed us for some minute before I spoke up.

"Wyatt?" I asked him while tangling my fingers through his.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Why don't you ask me yet to be your girlfriend?" I asked him and he sighed.

"What if Crane finds us and I loose you without even going on our first date as a real couple?"


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