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(sonia's pov- 1.5 months after graduation)

I was staring at Gundham, thinking.
I needed to be able to see him after all this, and if that meant giving up my kingdom then maybe I had to make that sacrifice.... Right now at least, I don't know how I would survive without him.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Gundham said, "Making tough decisions is never easy, but think about it like this: you are offered the staff of Ultimate Protection, and the staff of Ultimate Desire, however, you can only have one..." I listened and tried to keep myself from laughing as Gundham rambled on about the underworld and and some sort of ancient cat.

I also attempted to actually understand and follow what he was saying but it was simply too confusing. I didn't know what a hell wand was and I didn't plan on figuring it out anytime soon.

I want to be with him.. but ruling my kingdom is my family legacy, how am I supposed to choose between two things I feel this way about without it wrecking me in the process?

But right now I just need to focus on getting everyone off this island. I need to focus on returning to the rest of the world once more, despite the possible danger, and despair, ahead.

After Gundham finished his insanely long metaphoric rant thingy, we talked a bit more and decided to try and talking to the others about leaving.

We got everyone gathered at Jabberwock park, where we decided to make the announcement/request of leaving, but before I could speak, Gundham took the lead.

"Mortals! Fear not- for I, Gundham Tanaka, and the Dark Queen Sonia Nevermind shall guide you through the waters of the night and into the brightness of tomorrow's day! We ask you- no- we beg you, to come on this journey with us on the ship of forgotten wonders into the beautiful magic of the rest of our lives! We-"

But Gundham was cut short by the man I feared the most on this island, Nagito.

"Jesus Christ dude- cut the bullshit and get to the point." Nagito said. "I appreciate that you're hopeful regarding whatever situation you're referring to, but please, just please, stop- and let someone else speak."

I was stood in shock. Never in my life had I seen someone interrupted at a public gathering so rudely. What a pig.

But nonetheless, I took Gundham's place, and started to talk.

"When Makoto and Kyoko we're leaving this island, they made us a promise. They told us we could leave at anytime, as long as we left together." I watched as the crowd started to pay more attention, and as their faces started to change when they realized what I was saying. "I think we should leave the island, once and for all."

I let that sink in. Almost everyone's faces were plastered with shock, or confusion. No one said anything, until Chiaki slowly came up to where I stood and took my hand in hers. She just smiled at me, and nodded once.

She faced the crowd and said a few words which seemingly defined our future.

"Looks like we're leaving here... I think."

GxS- Post Graduation (completed)Where stories live. Discover now