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(sonia's pov- 2mon. + 2weeks after graduation)

I sat down on the edge of the bed and let that sink in.
I would be sleeping in the same bed as Gundham Tanaka. That thought gave me chills.

We were gonna be here for at least a week I presume, which is nothing I can't handle but still, I'm nervous about sharing a room with him.

We haven't been officially dating for very long, not even a full two weeks- and we're already essentially moving in together. I don't object to this of course, but I just wanna run it over in my head a little.

After about 15 minutes of Gundham being gone, I started to get a little bit confused, as simply getting room key's should not take this long right?

I got up and slowly walked out of the room, but a quick turn in the hallway revealed Gundham with not only room keys, but with our luggage, and a giant cage filled with his 4 Dark Deva's of Destruction.

"Gundham what are you doing?!" I exclaimed, "The staff was supposed to bring that to our rooms!" I ran over to Gundham and attempted to help with the load by taking my own bag from his hand.

"Fear not my Dark Queen! For I, Gundham Tanaka, have strength greater than any mere mortal!" Gundham shouted. But as he said that, I noticed his face going slightly red and his breathing getting a little heavy.

"Still, let me take my own bag, and the room key's as well." As we walked back down the hallway to my- no- our room, I could hear the whines of small hamsters from inside his cage, and Gundham did too, because as soon we entered our room he immediately moved all the snacks from the small TV stand and placed his hamster cages on top it, spending a considerable amount of time checking on each and every one before feeding them.

I thought it was quite sweet, how much Gundham cared for his animals. I mean they really did mean everything to him, which was understandable, he was the ultimate animal breeder after all.

I was starting to put away put few processions when I heard Gundham turn on the radio that was provided in the room for us. A slow, calm tune was playing.

When I turned around to face Gundham he had one hand behind his back and the other held out to me, inviting me to dance.

I could help the giant goofy smile that came over my face as I walked over to Gundham and placed my hand in his.

I was suddenly very grateful for the large open space in our room, for we had plenty of space to dance. Gundham was surprisingly decent at slow dancing, considering it's not too much work.

Gundham and I swayed and turned to the rhythm of the music, my hands around his neck and his arms wound my waist, for what felt like 3 minutes and 3 hours all at the same time.

It was one of those moments that you wish you could stay in forever. A moment where time stops around you, a moment of pure happiness.

But as all things do, the song came to an end, and an awful pop remix started blasting instead, which I immediately turned off.

However, the lack of music didn't stop us from dancing altogether, instead, I held back laughs as Gundham started to hum the tune we had been previously listening to, and once again, we were slow dancing.

As we swayed, I buried my head into Gundham's chest, clinging more tightly to him now than ever. And after a few moments, we had both stopped dancing.

We simply just stood there, our arms wrapped tightly around one another, until I realized Gundham was crying.

He was nearly silent, but small beads of water were still rolling down his face as I clung to him. I didn't want to question him on it- I know he wouldn't want to talk about it. So instead I un-wrapped myself from him, and used my thumbs to wipe the tears away, before closing him into another hug.

And as he moved one hand from my waist up into my hair, pulling me closer to him, I knew we really were meant for each other.

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