I really, really love you (final chapter)

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(Sonia's POV)

"Ibuki! Don't say such vial things in front of a child!"I  squeaked.

"Whaaaaatt? Don't judge me! He's gonna have to learn about the birds and bees some day... why not today?"

While leaving the mall, after Ibuki forced Sonia to buy the black set and more "revealing" items, she had continued to tell stories in vivid detail about all the times she'd had "Crazy, wild animal sex", and just happened to be getting to one of the... more intimate... parts when passing a young boy and his family.

"Annnyyywaaayyy, so he was all like 'Ibukiiii I think I lovveee youuuu' whiles he's just RAMMING into me, but ima rockstar yo! I don't have time for love! Dude I didn't even know how to reply! Like he's literally fuc-"

"Ok I think we understand Ibuki!" Chiaki cut in after seeing the terrified looks on the faces of those passing.

"Awww you sure? I was about to get to the exciting part!" She whined in response.

"Was that not the exciting part..?" I whispered to Chiaki, who only shrugged in reply.

Unfortunately, we had to stay at yet another hotel for a little bit. The Future Foundation wanted to slowly integrate us into city life, so we would slowly be moving into apartments around the city, and finding jobs for ourselves along the way.

The Future Foundation would be funding everything we needed until we were fully set to live life on our own, with check in's here and there of course, but I personally declined this offer.

After the fall of my kingdom (which was caused by me, but we'll ignore that part), I inherited the entirety of my families fortune, so I was already set for life.

Still, I wanted to find a career that would fulfill me in life, and use my families riches to help those in need. I just wanted to try and make up for all the death I had caused as a part of Ultimate Despair, I wanted to set things right with the universe.

Plus, Gundham told me that since I'm now a low-level demon I can start training with the dark spirits to manifest good luck for my future!! Gundham is gonna teach me all about it...

Chiaki, Ibuki and I went back to the hotel later that afternoon. The ears of both my gamer friend and I were exhausted from hearing more of Ibuki's intercourse stories, and just wanted to go back to our hotels rooms into the loving arms of our boyfriends.

We finally said goodbye and made a promise to chat more the following day before going to our separate hotel rooms.

This hotel was very nice, and was relatively similar to the one belonging to the Future Foundation when it comes to facilities, furniture and the general layout.

After inserting the small white keycard into the door and stepping inside, I noticed that Gundham wasn't in the room. Yes! Chiaki followed through with her part of the plan!

His hamsters, however, were passed out in their cage, which sat atop a small desk in the back corner of the room.

While I was out shopping, Chiaki and I took some time to devise a small plan to surprise Gundham. Since Gundham wasn't the most "touchy-feely-romantic-type" person, as Chiaki put it, I needed a little help coming up with a way to be romantic around him with making him uncomfortable or unsure of what to do.

I wanted to have a nice date night with Gundham, and finally tell him that I love him.

Chiaki got Hajime to distract Gundham for the next hour or two so I could get ready, so, not wasting anytime, I got in the shower.


1 1/2 hours later- I had showered, blow-dried and styled my hair, done my makeup, and was now slipping into a small, white, tight-fitting, dress I had bought earlier that day.

I looked like a totally different person, but at the same time, totally myself.

I decided to try changing up my style eyeliner and mascara as well. Instead of the normal, thick underlining, I chose a more dramatic wing. It was Ibuki's idea of course, she told me it would make me look like a "Hot Mama-Jama".

I admired my new look in the hotel mirror, I had put my hair into a different style., large curls fell around my shoulders, accompanied by a white bow instead to the normal black one, but then, I heard the door open behind me, "Fear not my Dark Queen! For I have arri..." Gundham stopped his sentence short when he saw me, his mouth hanging slightly open in shock. "He- Hello m'lady." He stuttered.

"Ibuki and Chiaki took me shopping."

He slowly nodded in reply.

I spun around in a circle, holding my arms out around me.

"It is very new to me, but I believe that I like it."

He, again, slowly nodded in reply. His eyes drifted up and down my body, taking in every inch of it. I could already tell that my face was a bright shade of pink, and my heart was beating a mile a minute, Gundham didn't seem to be any better. It kinda amazed me how quickly his personality shifted from normal, to confused, to shocked, to dumbfounded. But I couldn't help but smile at his priceless reaction.

I walked over to him, and took one of his hands in mine. "Please accompany me out."

He took this as another opportunity to simply nod, before we walked out of the hotel and strode into the big city hand in hand.


We strolled down and around the city streets, chatting and laughing about everything we passed on our walk, until we eventually reached our final destination.

Of course, Gundham had no idea this was our final destination, or that we even had a final destination, but I had planned it out hours ago after reviewing many maps of the city, and doing my best to weed out the perfect place for what I wanted to do.

In front of us, was a large, fast, gushing river. Tree's on either side of the river, held up yellow fairy lights that twinkled against the sky while the sun slowly started to set.

A large wooden bridge stood in the center of it all. Stretching wide and tall, above and across the roaring river.

It was a truly beautiful sight. But, it would be even more beautiful if I were on the bridge.

So, with our hands still clasped, Gundham and I walked to the center point of the bridge.

This is it. This is the perfect moment. This is the moment where everything I've planned plays out.

This is the moment when I tell Gundham I love him.

But when I opened my mouth to say something, Gundham cut me off.

"Do you remember the words I said to you when I was in the hospital? On the Island? When I told you I liked you?"

"Yes. Of course I do. Why?"

He told me, I really, really like you. That's when I noticed the single tear rolling down his cheek. But despite this, he was smiling while he spoke.

"My Dark Queen, it's simply because, I really, really love you."

the end <3

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