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(quick authors note- this chapter is a little longer than my usual ones- but don't worry it's not too crazy long. hope you like it!  <3)

(sonia's pov- 2 months and twoish weeks after graduation)

After 3 painful days of Hiyoko and Mikan yelling at each other, we finally reached land. After we left the ship- we were all brought to a hotel owned by the future foundation.

On the outside- it looked like your average hotel- but on the inside, everywhere you looked there was a different person running around- calling orders to people or desperately trying to complete somewhere else's.

It was a lively headquarters packed with computer monitors, bright florescent lights and giant security guards lined on the walls.

"Wow this place is really something!" Akane said from behind me.
"Sure is!" Makoto replied. He started walking towards an elevator in the back and gestured for us to follow. "The future foundation is a constantly expanding organization devoted to slowly, but surely fixing the damage caused by the Ultimate Despair. We have offices all around the world, from Mexico, to France, and everywhere in between."

We all got on the elevator as Makoto pressed the button for the 7th floor, and continued talking.

"The world is kinda.. for lack of a better word, shit right now." Kyoko playfully hit Makoto's arm when he cursed, and gave him a small eye brow raise in the process which said a thousand words by itself. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"But- anyway- it's still a lot better than it was when everyone was under Junko's reign. Though, there are still-" Makoto was suddenly interrupted by a small voice in the back of the elevator car.

"What happened to the restaurant?" Teruteru said.
"Huh?" Makoto replied, confused. Then, with tears rolling down his face, Teruteru slowly said, "What.. what happened to my mothers restaurant? I deserve to know- I need to know!"

I watched as Makoto's face slowly fell. He look a pause before replying, "Teruteru, i'm very sorry but you have to understand- people that we're a part of the ultimate despair we're not only hurting themselves and those around them- but destroying buildings, monuments and everything around them. I can't say what happened to your mothers restaurant, but I'll do what I can to find out in the future- ok?"

Teruteru slowly nodded as the elevator dinged and we reached stage 7th floor. This floor- was in fact just a floor of a normal hotel. Hallways stretched off in the 3 directions, with door undoubtably leading to rooms lining the walls of each corridor. A green and brown swirled carpet was stretched across every inch of floor in sight, and was complimented by the beige wallpaper that was on the walls.

It was hideous.

Gundham slipped his hand into mine as I continued to observe, and Makoto started to talk once again.
"You'll be staying at this hotel for a little bit- not too long- but until we can figure out exactly how to integrate you guys back into the rest of the world. You guys have this entire floor to yourself. There's plenty of rooms for everyone to have their own, but you're more than welcome to share a room with someone..." As soon as Makoto said that, I felt Gundham squeeze my hand ever-so-slightly. Makoto kept rambling on about the rooms features and places we go in the hotel if we needed something, but I was just thinking of that tiny hand squeeze.

"... no room service but the 3rd floor has a 24hour full buffet... luggage will be brought up to you..."

What does a hand squeeze mean? Was it unintentional? Or did it mean something. I didn't know how to do this whole relationship thing so I'm just very unsure.

Is there's some sort of boyfriend code I should be aware of? Maybe there's a manual I could read, or some form of an instruction book.

"...come get your room keys from me when you've picked your room, but all rooms are pretty much identical. Kyoko and I will be staying in room 706 if you have any questions."

And with that, Makoto quickly turned on his heel and drifted over to his room.

Ok so what now?
Do I ask Gundham was the hand squeeze meant?
Or am I supposed to know.

When he looked at me I just gave him a small smile. We started walking down the hallway to our right together, hand in hand, when Gundham stopped a room marked 713. He opened the door to reveal a very large room.

I had never really been in a hotel before, I had only seen photos, but from what I had seen before, this wasn't really what I was expecting.

Along the back wall, there was a king sized bed draped in a sky blue duvet and white silk pillows. On the wall farthest from the door, floor to ceiling windows were adorned with with silkily smooth white curtains tied back in a bow, which revealed a beautiful blue sky, scattered with clouds of every size. Directly opposite the bed, a small dresser was pushed against the wall with a small variety of snacks. Above it, a giant TV was showing a reflection of the bed. In the corner of the room, a simple white desk had both a computer, which was unusual for hotels, and several books piled on top of it. A small portable radio was on top of one of the two nightstands on either side of the bed. There was large open space in the center of the room, with a crystal chandelier hanging directly above it, and big soft rug covered the majority of the room. The ugly wallpaper and carpeting from the hallway however, were not in this room (thank god), instead, the walls were painted a soft white, and the floors were a
pale-beige hardwood.

The bathroom had a white and grey marble shower, and matching countertops. Above the sink, there was a square mirror which a thing golden lining and not a smudge in sight.

I walked around every inch of the room. I looked through the books, and in every drawer and corner of the room I could see.

"Do you like it?" Gundham said from the doorway. I realized he had barley moved since we got to the room. "Yes, yes I think this will do just fine." I gave him a small smile before continuing to investigate the room.

"I'll go get our room keys then." Gundham said, before he went back into the hallway.

Wait- our room keys?

That's when I realized what the hand squeeze meant.
Gundham and I were going to be sharing a room.

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