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Holly cuddled in bed with Luke for most of the day. Holly was extremely clingy to Luke this week and he had no idea why. But he didn't complain, he loved it when Holly didn't let go. She snuggled up into his chest.


"Yeah cupcake?"

"Marcus was hurt yesterday." Holly said sadly sighing afterwards.

"What do you mean love?" He asked. Luke was worried, he only knew Marcus for a a few days but he still cared for him.

"He had a bruise on his arm and by his eye." Holly rubbed her eyes with her fist, she was tired.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked. He didn't want to think the worst of the worst at this moment.

"Yeah I accidentally pulled his arm so he could come play with me then he started screaming and crying and saying that it hurt." Holly yawned.

"What's happening to Marcus?" Holly asked.

"I don't know cupcake, but I hope he's okay." He said as he lightly stroked her hair making her drift off into a deep sleep.


"Holly come on you have to get to school." Luke said standing at the bottom of the staircase, he used his tongue to play with his lip ring,  he does that when he's in a rush.

Holly ran down the stairs with her javket, hat, gloves and scarf on.

He grabbed her hand looking down at her and smiling.

"You look so adorable." Luke said as he bent down to kiss her cheek.

She giggled as she hugged his leg.

He carried her into the car and they drove off.

They arrived 10 minutes later and saw Marcus in the front of the school.

He was shivering and his face tear stained.

Holly ran up to him.

"What'swrong Marcus?, why are you crying?" She asked.

"I've been outside since 7:00am." He shivered an wiped his tears, his small frail body looked pale.

"Why did you come so early?" Luke knelt down beside him

"My foster mom didn't want me in the house, she said that I'm annoying to have around." Marcus said as he sadly stared at the ground.

Luke couldn't help but feel bad for him, he was so adorable yet so sad.

"Come here." Luke said as he embraced the little boy in his arms Holly soon joined the hug.

"Are you a bit warmer?" Luke asked.

"Yes, thank you Mr.Hemmings." Marcus smiled.

"Looks like it's time for you guys to go inside." Luke said as he kissed Holly on the forehead and waved goodbye to Marcus.


"Michael this boy is so sad and his foster mom doesn't care about him, he's so cute I have to have him." Luke complained to his highlighter haired friend.

"You can't just adopt every cute little child you see, jeez Luke."

"No, Michael you don't understand this boy, there's something going in in that house of his, he's always crying every time I see him, I just have to be his legal guardian." Luke sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"Michael!" Luke said grabbing him by the shoulders, the ring on his pinky digging into Michaels shoulder.

"What!?" Michael asked shrugging Luke's hands off.

"What do I do?" Luke asked, desperate for an answer.

"Follow your heart ok, don't do anything you'd regret." Michael said returning his eyes to his phone.

"Alright well I've go to pick up Carter from school see ya later Lucas." Michael patted him on the hack then left.

"Bye." Luke said,  then also headed out the door to pick up Holly.


"Marcus I'm sick and tired of your fucking attitude, I'll pick you up from school when I want to!" Marcus' foster mom yelled pushing him against the brick wall. Luke immediately exited from his car.

"What's your problem he's just a little kid." Luke yelled. He was beyond furious,  he couldn't imagine doing something like that to Holly.

"Who are you...wait you that guy that took him in, look this is none of your business!" She shouted taking a drag from her cigarette blowing in in the poor little boys face.

"It actually is my business you don't treat a child like that!" Luke yelled. Holly hid behind Luke's leg.

"Shut the fuck up he's my kid." The lady said.

"You're not my mommy!" Marcus yelled.

It was true his foster mother wasn't his real mother, his parents had passed away two years ago.

"Shut up, now let's go!" She harshly grabbed his arm

"I don't think so, he's coming with me, this is pure abuse!" Luke shouted, he was even more furious. He just simply couldn't let this continue,  the poor little boy has definitely had enough.

"Fine I don't want this piece of shit anyway!" She pushed him again. He fell on the floor. Luke rushed to his side picking him up in his arms.

"You okay buddy?" Luke asked.

"No, I wish you were my daddy." He said and that made Luke want to burst into tears. To have someone say that to you was an amazing feeling for Luke and he couldn't be more happier. Luke didn't say anything he just hugged him tighter, Holly also joined in.

"Daddy is Marcus going to stay with us?" Holly asked. Luke kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, and then when I get the adoption papers-"

"Marcus is going to be my brother!" Holly happily shouted. Her and Marcus jumped around happily. Luke smiled and kissed them both on the cheek.

"Come on guys, let's go home." Luke replied.

A/N: this chapter was long af. I didn't have Internet on Sunday and Monday so I'm sorry I might have to double update. ily Guy Thank Young So Much For 3k And It's almost at 4k, and I'm screaming cause you guys are FUCKING AMAZING.

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