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"Wake the fuck up! Were late! Like really fucking late!"
Ellie bursts through my door, practically giving me a heart attack.
I sit straight up in bed, which wasnt a good idea at all because i got a major head rush.

I check my phone and- holy shit were so late.

Ellie grabs my suitcase and practically sprints out of the room.
I grab the first clothes I find on the floor and as I run out of my room I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.
Ew what the fuck-
"Bitch hurry up we need to go right now!" Ellie yells from downstairs.
Amazing how she has so much energy in the morning. What a joy.

After driving upwards of 100 miles per hour and sprinting (when I say sprinting I mean fucking sprinting) through the aiport, we arrive at our gate right as the attendant is closing the door to the terminal.

"Wait! Wait!" Ellie and I both yell, completely out of breath.
She turns to us looking annoyed, and we both give her innocent smiles.
"Are we too late?"
She's clearly not thrilled with the situation, but she checks our tickets and lets us board the plane, where another problem arises.

Every single seat is taken except for two in the very back which, unfortunately, are separated by a large old man who appears to be dead asleep.
Or maybe just dead?

Ellie and I share a look
"No. No way!"
"If it werent for me we wouldve missed the flight, you owe me this!"
"You know old people freak me out! I-"
"Please take your seats" a flight attendant says, very obviously annoyed but still keeping a smile on her face.

Ellie raises her eyebrows at me, and i pout, but decide to be the mature one in this situation and slowly climb over the old man.
I swear to god if he wakes up or coughs on me or something
thankfully I made it over without that happening.

"Okay since I did this I get to choose which room I want first when we get there-"
"No! This is just us getting even for me helping us make the flight-"
"Will you two shut up already! Im trying to sleep here!" The old man suddenly chimes in with a heavy new york accent.
ellie and i both sit back in our seats, startled.
Like i said, old people freak me out.
Especially old people from new york. A whole other breed man im telling you.

I lean my head back and look out the window.
Haha at least i got the window seat bitch.

I put in my headphones and close my eyes. Thankfully I have this amazing talent where I can fall asleep literally anywhere in any position, so I know this flight wont be difficult.
I sigh to myself a little as i try to get comfortable in the seat, and even though its really fucking cheesy, I cant help but smile a little to myself.
I can't wait to go home.

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