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I am awoken to the lovely sound of yelling coming from downstairs.


I groan and put a pillow over my head to try and drown out the noise, but whoever is having the screaming match seems very intent on preventing me from falling back asleep.

"Bruh why so early like-"
I cut myself off when I see what time it is.

3pm! That is great.

Its also kind of insane that I slept this late because im still on New York time, and it would be 6pm there.

Then again not really that surprising since im probably one of the laziest people on the face of the planet.

I stretch out and try to remember the events of last night

I fell asleep during the movie and then woke up at like 5am to see everyone sprawled out asleep in the same places they watched the movie in, but somehow Finn and I had both shifted so far into the middle of the bean bag while we were sleeping that i was basically on top of him.

Id be lying if i said it was easy to fight the urge to just stay there and go back to sleep. It didnt help that he looked like a fucking angel either, but I know that wouldve just given me another reason to catch feelings which is definitely the last thing i need right now.

So instead of doing that, i got my stupid ass up and slept in my room. Which did not disappoint by the way.

The screaming match continues downstairs so I decide to go check it out.
And by check it out i mean beat the shit out of whoever is yelling. Believe it or not im not a morning person!

Once im on the stairs i can make out whos doing the yelling, and of course its just the boys playing some stupid video game.

I have to squint when i walk into the living room because the sunlight from outside is so blinding and ive only been awake for about 4 minutes now Everything is also kind of blurred together too but im able to see everyones heads whip toward me.

"Good morning Sunshine!" Millie calls from the couch and holds her arms out to me. I go sit on her lap and lay my head on her shoulder because im her child.

"Mm" i grunt and oh joy! my voice sounds like Morgan fucking Freeman. Great!

"More like good afternoon" noah adds. i look at him in deadpan and he shuts up.

I look around the room and notice that certain people are missing.
"Where are Ellie and Caleb?" Morgan Freeman- I mean i ask Millie

Finn and Gaten turn around and look at me in shock
"Holy shit your voice is like deeper than mine!" Gaten says while Finn laughs

"I will actually beat both of you up."

Finn gasps and pretends to look scared
"Oh no im so scared please dont ruin my pretty face!"

I smile sweetly and flip him off which makes him laugh

"They went to get ice cream or something. They invited us all to go but we figured we'd give them some alone time" sadie says, putting flirty emphasis on the last two words.

"What do you mean alone time?" I can feel a smile growing on my face

"They hit it off last night during the movie while you were knocked out" millie says while wiggling her eyebrows flirtatiously

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