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After about another hour or so it started to get too dark for us to stay at the beach any longer. None of us wanted to leave, but we werent really in the mood to become shark bait either.
Which reminds me, shark week starts in like 3 days! Yay. Gaten and I have been looking forward to it all week.

There is also one other down side to swimming in California water, which is the hypothermia. That I completely forgot about. And now get to enjoy!

As soon as we got out of the ocean, we all sprint straight to the car. Somehow its still pouring, normally it wouldve died down after raining for this long but im not complaining. I love being in the rain.

"Oh my god Finn can you go any slower im freezing unlock the car already!" Noah complains while jumping up and down trying to stay warm.
"Im trying!" He snaps back while fumbling with the keys
"My fingers are literally numb!"
"Here" caleb says gesturing for Finn to throw him the keys
"Ill drive since you drove here"
"Shot gun!" Ellie immediately says and jumps in the front seat as soon as Caleb unlocks it.

The rest of us all share a look before frantically trying to be the first get in the car. Nobody wants to sit in the very back row because the seats are tiny and everyone gets cramped together since 3 people will have to sit back there. And overall its just annoying to sit in the back.

Unfortunately, Millie and Sadie somehow get to the middle row seats first. Noah tries to throw Sadie out of the seat shes in but he cant since she's already buckled

"Dammit sadie!" He says in frustration and she just shrugs.

Him and Finn look at each other for a split second before both throwing themselves in the back seat. Its not until theyre in the seats that I understand why they did it so aggressively.

"Hey no i dont want to sit in the middle!"

"Well it doesnt make sense for either of us to sit in the middle?"
"Yeah suck it shorty!" Noah adds while doing an annoying little dance and making an L with his fingers on his forehead.
I just roll my eyes and crawl into the back seat, making sure to be as annoying about it as i can by bumping Finn and Noah around as much as possible in the process. They just laugh.

"Well jokes on you guys because its the warmest in the middle" i huff and cross my arms over myself.
I can feel both of them shaking next to me because were literally packed in like sardines but its like 1 degree warmer where i am so at least thats a tiny win for me.

Caleb turns around in the drivers seat and looks at all of us
"Everyone buckled back there?"
"Yes dad" Finn and I say at the same time, then look at each other in shock
"Im spending way too much time with you" he says and i ruffle his hair
"Awwww you're turning into my mini me!" I say and squish his cheeks together.
Wait what the fuck, did he just blush?????? No way. Definitely not. Im just seeing things.


He grabs my hands and pulls them off my face
"Shut up" he says and messes my hair up just like i did to him. I push his hands away and he laughs.

"Who needs a towel back there?" Millie asks while passing a towel up to Caleb and Ellie and then handing one to Sadie.
"Me!" Noah immediately screams, eagerly reaching forward and grabbing one from her.
"Jesus wheres the fire-oh"
Theres only one towel left. Splendid.

Finn and i look at each other before both throwing ourselves forward to grab it from Millie.
He grabs it out of her hand before i can, and i hold on to it for dear life.
"Let go you already get to be in the middle and im freezing!"
"No you let go im freezing too and being in the middle doesnt really help i was just trying to make someone want to switch with me!"
We keep struggling for it, pulling it back and forth between us. I get a brilliant idea.

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