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"Helloooo! Anyone home?" Millie yells as she walks into the house.
Right away im already amazed at how gorgeous it is, its so modern and open.

"Millie what the fuck this is beautiful??"
"Thank you thank you" she says smiling
"I think everyone might be outside. Lets go drop your stuff off in your rooms and then you guys can meet them"
We nod and start to follow her up the steps

"Ummm small problem. I do not have even a single ounce of upper body strength in me. How am i gonna get this thing up the stairs" i say, already dreading the amount of energy im going to have to exert in order to drag my suitcase up there. Probably shouldnt have packed literally every single thing i own.

"I can go get one of the boys to help-"
"NO! No. That would be so awkward and not a good first impression on my part. No."
Millie laughs a little
"Okay whatever you say. Im sure Finn would looove to help though"
She winks at me and Ellie starts laughing
"Mm. Or maybe we could get Caleb?" I suggest
That shuts her up.

"Here ill help you pull it up" she offers and grabs one side of the handle while i grab the other.
We start to drag it up the stairs together(meaning Millie drags it by herself and i do absolutely nothing to contribute) and by the grace of god make it to the top of the stairs.
Millie gives me a look.

About 20 minutes later, Ellie and I are finally situated in our rooms. Sadly, I lost Rock Paper Scissors so Ellie got a better view than I did.
My rooms not bad though, nothing in this house is even remotely bad.

"Okay so now that thats all in order-"
"OkaY sO nOw tHAt thATs aLL iN oRdEr" ellie and i repeat in her british accent and she glares at us.
Ever since we were kids we've been doing that, it really annoys her but its funny as fuck for everyone else.

"Okay whatever i was gonna give you a pep talk about how you shouldnt be nervous and just be yourselves but youre on your own now!"
She smiles fakely at us before walking down the stairs

"Wait millie im sorry we love you!" We call after her and she just flips us off which makes us laugh even harder.
"You know, im not even nervous to meet them" ellie says and i raise my eyebrows at her
"Oh really? Not even your boyfriend Caleb?"
Her eyes widen
"Shut up! He might be able to hear you!"
"Oh come on lets just go" i say, grabbing her arm and pulling her down the stairs with me.

"Wait actually i have to go to the bathroom-"
"Shut up no you dont"
"Yes i do! And i think i left my phone upstairs-"
I turn to her
"You dont need it. Just chill out, theyre gonna love you. All you need to do is jUsT bE yoURsElF" i say in millies accent and she laughs

"Shit!" We hear from the kitchen, and we practically trip over each other running to it.
"I recognize that voice!" I call out smiling before walking around the corner to the kitchen and seeing Sadie standing over a puddle of water.

She whips her head up when we walk in and smiles before tackling us in a hug.
"Its so great to see you guys!" She laughs and releases us from her hug
"How was the flight?"
Ellie starts to complain but i cut her off
"Dont even get her started. How have you been?"
She laughs and grabs a towel to clean up the water she mustve spilled.

"Its been crazy but its been fun. Im sure Millies told you a lot about it. We've been sooo excited to see you guys tho, look-" she points to a white board leaning against the wall on a counter
On the whiteboard there is a countdown from 80 with every number crossed out and the 0 circled.

"Awwww thats so cute!" Ellie and i both say and sadie laughs
"Here the guys are all out back lets go see them"
She walks out with us to Millies backyard which has a nice seating area, a huge pool and jacuzzi, and a gorgeous view.
"Damn Millie this is nice!" I say outloud.
She smiles and calls us over to the seating area where everyone is sitting around a fire pit.

"Okay guys i want you to meet my best friends Ellie and y/n!" she says excitedly, getting up and putting an arm around each of our shoulders.

The first person i notice is Gaten. Yes i know who all of them are, i dont know of thats creepy or anything but like come on of course i know who they are they're celebrities.
He smiles and waves at us
"Im Gaten, nice to meet you guys"
"Im Caleb" Caleb says from next to him, also smiling and waving.
I try to look out of the corner of my eye and see how Ellies reacting and i almost die when i see the look on her face.

"Im Noah" Noah says, doing the same thing as them. Its nice to see how friendly they are, i didnt really know what to expect since the only celebrities ive met are Sadie and Millie, and i guess Millie doesnt really count.

"Ah yes. Weve heard all about you" ellie says, jokingly giving him a stern look and then looking at me so ill catch on.
"So you think just because were on the other side of the country you can dethrone us for the spot of Millies best friends? Laughable!"
Millie gives us a look as if to say really? then laughs and shakes her head
"Dont mind them Noah theyre just trying to make you feel awkward"
"dONt mInD thEM nOaH thEYRe jUsT tRyInG tO mAkE yOu fEeL aWkWarD" ellie says in a horrible attempt at millies accent while pretending to hold a tea cup and sticking her pinky in the air.
Noah dies laughing and Millie groans
"Oh come on guys!"

"We do that to her all the time!" He says laughing harder when he sees the look on her face and everyone else starts laughing too, eventually even including Millie.
Ellie and I dap him up because were teenage boys.

The laughing dies down and I turn to the last boy, and immediately my eyes almost pop out of their sockets
"im Finn"

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