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I wake up to the sound of a loud crash followed by a string of profanities, which surprisingly is not that unusual in this house.

"Jesus someones having a rough day" i mumble, turning on my side to face- no one ??
Bruh wtf wheres Finn he never wakes up before me?
I stretch out and throw the covers off me, deciding to throw on one of Finns sweatshirts from the floor because for some reason im fucking freezing.

As soon as i put it on I literally lose my mind because not only is it the most comfortable thing ive ever felt, it also FUCKING SMELLS LIKE HIM TOO. I could literally die right now.

I pull myself together and head out of his room to see what the hell is going on. For some reason i get the feeling it has to do with him.
And sure enough, when i walk into the kitchen i see him and Noah standing over a shattered bowl of what looks like flour and some other random shit.
Their heads whip up when they hear me coming and they both immediately start talking, but i cant tell what either of them are saying because theyre talking too fast.

"Hey hey hey slow down! What the hell happened?"

"I was trying to make breakfast to surprise you, but genius over here fucking ruined it" finn says, gesturing to Noah who immediately starts defending himself
"It was an accident! i was just trying to get a bowl-"

"Wait is that my sweatshirt?" Finn cuts him off, pointing at what im wearing
"Oh yeah it is" i laugh awkwardly "i was just freezing and it was on the ground so i figured-"
"It looks really fucking good on you" he cuts me off, smiling at me softly and making my heart go wOOOOOOOSH.
I smile and blush a little, and Noah pretends to puke but we both ignore him.

"You guys are gross im leaving" noah says, probably expecting us to give him attention, but we dont so he just huffs and leaves.

"So you were trying to make me breakfast huh?"
I smirk, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck
"Nah, i just said that to get some extra brownie points. I was actually making it for Noah."
"Right" i laugh, and he wraps his arms around my waist, smirking down at me
"You know, you should wear my clothes more often. Its hot."
"Oh why thank you princess" i say flirtatiously, and he laughs before leaning down and kissing me, which i will never ever fucking get used to by the way.
He pulls away and raises an eyebrow at me
"Wait, shouldnt i be the one calling you princess?"
He smirks when I literally fucking GAG and laughs at my reaction because he knew how triggered that would make me.
"Ew. You just ruined this whole thing." I say, taking my arms off him and walking over to the couch.
He keeps laughing and i flip him off, which of course just makes him laugh harder. Annoying ass.
I turn on scooby doo because im a child and i live for that shit, and eventually Noah comes back and watches it with me while everyone else starts to wake up. Im lowkey really surprised we were the first ones up. Thats like, extremely rare.

"Breakfast is ready" finn calls, and i laugh at how much of a mom he sounds like. Its funny as fuck.

Everyone springs up from the couch because were all rabid animals, and we all literally fall over each other trying to get there first.
"Ah ah ah! Not so fast! Y/n gets to go first because I literally made this shit for her" finn says, smacking the pancake scooper out of Noahs hand
"What! No fair!"
"Ha ha!" I cheer in Noahs face as i pass him, and he sticks his tongue out at me like the mature person he is.
I kiss Finn on the cheek and make sure to take as long as possible to make my pancakes, just to annoy everyone. I love chaos.

"Sooo" millie says once were all sitting at the table together
"How was the date last night?"

Oh shit. No one knows that were dating yet. Finn and i share a look and i smirk
"It was mediocre. Ive had better."
He rolls his eyes, flipping me off and i laugh
"No im just kidding. It was really fun."
"No but like, how was it" millie asks again, clearly trying to ask another question
I look at Finn who smiles at me, and i decide not to be annoying anymore
"Im officially off the market."

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