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"Okay so start by putting your front foot about... right here on the board"

"Which foot should I use?"

"Uhh.. just whichever is your dominant one."

"The fuck? Thats a thing?"

"Yeah, you know like with sports and shit?"

I don't even bother to respond, just immediately throw my head back laughing at the fact that he thinks im even remotely athletic. Bold of him.

"Okay shut up," Finn smiles, catching on to why im laughing
"Just put whichever foot you would put on the front of a surfboard."

"Oh, okay duh yeah that makes sense," I put one foot up and grab onto his arms tightly for stability.

"Now put the other one about... here," he points to where i should put it and i give him a warning look
"Dont start moving because i will actually wipe the fuck out."
"Eh. No promises." He smirks and i just roll my eyes, slowly lifting my back foot off the ground and putting it on the back of the board, immediately feeling extremely vulnerable from my lack of control over my balance.

"Okay, so now that you've got the positioning you can try kicking off," he says nonchalantly, as if I have any fucking chance of doing that without immediately eating shit?????
"Ummm hate to break it to you but you are seriously overestimating my ability here buddy" i say sarcastically, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion

"Oh come on, its not that hard." he laughs a little bit and shrugs
"Besides, if you can surf im pretty sure youre gonna be a natural at this."
"But you havent tried surfing yet so you dont know how much harder this already feels- plus if i wipe out im gonna fall on pavement, not water" i point out but he just shakes his head dismissively
"Youre gonna be fine. You just have to make sure to keep your front knee bent while youre kicking off, and make sure to lean forward into your front foot so you dont fall backwards because it'll be harder to catch yourself."

He chuckles a little at the look on my face
"Just trust me okay, its easier than it seems. Plus youve got all your protective gear on so youll be fine!"

Oh yeah. Thats another thing.

Finn insisted I wear a helmet, wrist guards, and both elbow and knee pads for my first time trying. And as if that doesnt already make me look stupid enough, all the gear is also lego batman themed.

And the helmet has a cape attached to the back that hangs all the way down to my mid thighs.

Needless to say, Finn is having a blast with this.

"Uggghh" i whine dramatically
"Pleeease dont make me do this yet."

"Nope!" he shakes his head and smiles enthusiastically
"You just gotta do it, trust me its gonna be easier than you think!"

I sigh in defeat and put my front foot on the board, steadying myself over it like how Finn demonstrated for me to do it earlier. I mean lots of people can do this, it cant be that difficult right?

I turn around to say something sarcastic to Finn, but stop when i notice him holding his phone up like hes gonna record me.
"Hell no! Absolutely not!" I swipe at his phone, but he just laughs teasingly and holds it further out of my reach
"Seriously Finn dont fucking record me im actually gonna wipe out!"
"All the more reason to!"
"No! Not happening!"

"Come onnn y/n" he insists energetically
"This way we can document your progress! Itll be cool!"

That's actually not a horrible idea, but the thought of Finn having video footage of me eating shit is definitely not ideal. He would never let me hear the end of that. Ever.
Although, on the other hand, it might be kind of fun to see my progress, if im actually able to do it that is. Plus, lets face it, hes gonna record me either way because hes annoying as fuck so i guess i dont really have a choice.

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