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I wake up the next morning and immediately freak out because i don't recognize the room im in, and im completely disoriented when i first wake up.
I feel an unfamiliar weight on my hip, and look down to see a long skinny ass arm slung over it.
A warm feeling spreads through my heart, and i cant control the smile that comes on my face.
Holy shit. It wasnt a dream.

I slowly shift so im facing him, being careful not to wake him up so i can stare like the stalker i am.
Let me just say, the view is even better than i was expecting it to be.
His head is slightly tilted up, and his expression is completely relaxed, which makes the warm feeling in my heart spreads even further and i feel my stomach get all tingly. I know is cliche as hell but I literally do not care. Im on another planet right now.
The morning light coming through the window behind him makes him look like hes fucking glowing, and dude
I could not be happier right now.

Im in the middle of absolutely dying over his freckles when i notice his eyes start to flutter like hes waking up.
Oh shit.
I quickly shut my eyes and tilt my head down like im sleeping so he wont know ive been drooling over him for like 20 minutes now. Wouldnt want to scare him off just yet.
I feel his arm tighten around my waist and he pulls me closer to him, tucking his head over mine
"I know youre awake you little stalker" he mumbles in his FUCKING MORNING VOICE and i feel my heart pause for a second. Nope i will never get used to that.
"What gave it away" I laugh, leaning back to look at him
"An actor can recognize another actor" he mumbles with small smile forming, and i chuckle and brush some hair out of his face. He finally opens his eyes and smiles at me sleepily which puts me on the brink of heart failure.
"Holy shit youre somehow even prettier up close" he mutters, brushing some hair behind my ear and i feel my cheeks heat up
"Stooop dont do that" i groan, covering my face with my hands, making him laugh
"Do what?" He asks innocently, clearly enjoying seeing me suffer
"That. Stop doing it. Call me ugly or something."
He laughs again and gently pulls my hands from my face
"No can do. My mother taught me not to lie."
He loses his shit at the look on my face
"Okay i have to go" i say sarcastically and roll over to get up.
I walk out of the room and he laughs after me
"Youre beautiful y/n! Suck it up and deal with it!"
I just flip him off and beam to myself.

I head up to my room to brush my teeth because morning breath is a CRIME, and I literally have a fucking aneurysm when i see my hair. Not good.
Youd have thought we had sex or something, which we did NOT. I am literally an infant.
I grab my phone and walk into the bathroom to fix the fucking monstrosity that is my appearance, but when i turn it on i notice i have three missed calls from Millie, two from last night and one from this morning.
I quickly call her back and she picks up right away
"You have some explaining to do because I know for a fact you didnt go to sleep that early last night"

Uh oh.

"Well hello to you too" i attempt to joke, not knowing if i should tell her everything yet because i dont know how Finn feels about it.
Like what if he thought it was just a one time thing? Thatd be so embarrassing if i told everyone because i was excited and he didnt think anything of it. Im gonna have to talk to him about everything later.

"I expect to hear all the details as soon as i get back" she says sternly, but i can hear the smile in her voice

"Me too!" I hear someone else scream in the background, im not sure if its Sadie or Ellie.

"Right" i laugh and start to brush my teeth
"When will you be back?"

"We left like an hour ago, so not for a while. Try not to have too much fun until we get back" she says suggestively and i roll my eyes

"Bye idiot. See you soon."

She says bye too and we hang up.
I stare at myself in the mirror for a solid minute, disgusted at how bad i look in the morning but eh i dont feel like getting ready. Hes already seen me anyway so theres no point.

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