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Things have been
I literally feel like im in a fucking dream all the time. Its absolutely insane. I really dont think theres any possible way that i could be happier than i am right now. No chance.

Noah and I are currently playing Minecraft as per our usual daily routine, and we let Gaten play with us today too because were extremely generous people. Noah is currently stuck in a fucking cave.

"You guys have to come get me!"
"Im literally on the other side of the world i cant!"
"Okay well then just come here!"
"No! Have Gaten help you!"
"Gaten help me!"
"Why not!"
"Because you got yourself in this situation you need to learn how to help yourself"
"But i cant fucking see anything because i dont have any goddamn torches left and i cant even tell if im looking up or down!"
"How the hell did you even get that far in there?"
"I dont know!"
We all look at each other and freeze when we hear footsteps coming down the hall

"Holy shit Noah can you shut the fuck up you're literally fucking screaming" Finn comes down the hall with his hair a complete mess, squinting his eyes against the light because he obviously just woke up.
"Well good morning princess!" i laugh and he smiles sarcastically at me
"Good morning. Punch Noah in the face for me."
Noah gasps and throws his hands up
"Its not my fault i got stuck in this fucking cave!"
Finn squints at him
"I got stuck in a cave and i cant get out and neither of these bitches will help me!"
Finn rolls his eyes then walks over and takes the controller from Noah
"Shut up or i wont help you"
He sits down on the couch next to me and i throw my blanket over him too. Noah pretends to throw up at us and we both flip him off.
"Does anyone know where Sadie and Millie are? Because I know they're not still sleeping" Noah asks, watching Finn somehow find his way out of the pitch black cave in like a minute
"Millie texted me that they went on a run"
"And you didnt go with them?" He asks mockingly, smiling smugly at me because hes annoying as shit
"No clearly not" i narrow my eyes back at him
"I was still sleeping"
"Lazy ass" he points at me teasingly. I pretend like im gonna hit him and he flinches
"Yeah thats right. Ill still punch you in the face."
Finn laughs and Noah smiles at him sarcastically
"Ha ha. Your dwarf is so funny."
"Thank you!" Finn says enthusiastically, and I gasp and hit his arm which makes him laugh
"Fuck you!"

"Does anybody know what were doing today? Because im probably gonna facetime Lizzy tonight if were not doing anything"Gaten says and I fucking diiiie hes so crazy about her its so pure.
I got to meet her a few nights ago on facetime and shes like the sweetest person ever too. Apparently shes coming out here to visit in a couple weeks so were all gonna get to meet her for real then
"Awwwww Gaten" i swoon and he blushes which is SO FUCKING CUTE. I scoff and turn to Finn
"I wish you liked me that much."
He just laughs and blows me a kiss, which i swat away.

"Well I dont know what you guys are doing, but y/n and I have plans tonight" Finn says and i raise an eyebrow at him
"Oh do we know?"
"Yup" he smiles at me
"Im gonna take you on a real date tonight."
My heart fucking flatlines and he can clearly tell because he laughs at my expression.

"You asshole!" I try to fight the smile from my face and smack his chest
"You cant just spring something like that on me!"
"I wanted it to be a surprise!" He laughs, putting his hands up so he wont get hit again
I just shake my head and grin
"You suck. Where are we going?"
He gives me that stupid smirk and i already know im not getting a direct answer. I groan he laughs
"Dont worry, im not gonna kill you yet"
"Oh good. That makes me feel better."
Noah looks back and forth between us
"You two are weird as fuck"

I hear creaking on the stairs and Ellie walks into the living room, looking like she just came back from the dead
"Good morning!" I say, stifling a laugh at how exhausted she looks. She just grunts and sits down next to me, laying her head on my shoulder because were dating.
"Hi" i say, and she smiles at me sadly
"Hi. I miss you."
"I miss you too. I never see you anymore. I might have to kill Caleb."
"Thats fine, i was thinking about killing finn too."
"Hey!" He gasps, but we both ignore him
"Go ahead. He doesnt know hes my side piece anyway, youll always be my main hoe"
She points a finger at Finn
"You hear that? Im #1"
He pretends to cry
"Fine. Then I guess ill just date Caleb"
Right as he says it, Caleb walks down the hall looking like a zombie
We all just laugh at the confusion on his face, and he rolls his eyes, walking right back down the hall to go back to bed.

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