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"Just scoot over!"

"Noah I literally fucking cant!"

"Yes you can theres still space between you and Caleb!"


"Still enough! You're basically sitting on me!"

"Its not my fault youre man spreading!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! You're practically doing the splits!"

Ah, yes.
There is nothing I love more than being awoken to the wonderful sound of bickering.
But I mean, honestly, what did we expect? Twenty minutes without Noah complaining about something?

"For the love of god will you guys please just shut up?" Sadie groans tiredly, saying what we're clearly all thinking
"It's too early for this shit. Plus you guys shouldnt even be complaining. Look at us."

Oh yeah. Since Lizzies still here, we had to pack all nine of us into an eight person car. Which means one person has to double buckle. And somehow, Finn, Millie, Sadie and I all ended up crammed in the middle row since we let Gaten and Lizzie have the front. Its just as fun as it sounds.

"Okay but like... you guys are small. Caleb and I are huge so we need more space" noah tries to reason, and Caleb narrows his eyebrows at him in annoyance

"Speak for yourself?"

The bickering continues, now including Sadie and Millie too, who was also awoken by the arguing and is now releasing her fiery wrath on Noah.
In case you cant tell, none of us are morning people to begin with, so it definitely doesnt help that were about to be in the car for about two more hours.

Today were driving up to Lake Piru and renting a boat for the day because why the fuck not? Also its Lizzies last day here so Gaten wanted to do something special for her, and he agreed to let all of us come if we helped pay for the boat rental.
I think its safe to say he's probably regretting that decision right now.

Eventually Gaten gets involved in the fighting, telling all of them that if they dont shut up hes gonna turn the car around and leave them at home, and thank fucking god that got everyone to finally shut up.
Somehow Finn managed to stay knocked out throughout the whole thing, which im lowkey really impressed with actually. I sleep like a rock and somehow it woke even me up. He does have the louder headphone though so that probably helped.
Were sharing headphones and listening to his playlist, but the headphone im using is kinda broken since I accidentally dropped it in my water.

Sadie leans her head against my shoulder, and I decide to lean my head back against Finns and try to fall back asleep too.
But, just before i do, i feel him him lay his head against mine in his sleep, and i hate to admit it but it makes me smile. A lot.

Actually, fuck it. Im pretty sure we all know im a simp by now.
Sue me.

"Y/N WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I am not even exaggerating in the slightest bit when i say i am fucking HEART ATTACKED awake by people screaming bloody murder directly into my ear drums from both sides of me.
And, let me just say, that is absolutely  without a doubt the most traumatic event that i have ever experienced in my entire fucking life thus far.

My whole being literally convulses like im having an actual exorcism, and i open my eyes so fast they pretty much rocket out of my face from the sudden motion.
Im also so in shock that I physically cant even open my mouth, and right as im about to literally fucking pass out, i notice Finn and Ellie on either side of me completely losing their minds with laughter.

3:15Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora