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"Give me a twirl" millie instructs, looking deep in thought. I do as she says and she furrows her eyebrows like shes thinking.

"Its cute, but its kind of an awkward length like its just a little too long. I think you should go with the first one"

Currently us girls are out shopping for something to wear tonight because were going to fucking DISNEYLAND I am so beyond excited I could barely sleep last night.
Millie is helping me choose what to buy because she has a sense for these kind of things, and ever since we were kids shes always helped me pick out clothes for myself. Probably because she knows id dress like a 50 year old man who just lost 500 pounds if she didnt.

Sadie walks out of a stall and looks at herself in the mirror with an annoyed look on her face
"Does this shirt make me look fat? Because i feel like i look fat"
I facepalm
"Sadie shut the fuck up theres not a single ounce of fat on your body you idiot. I will literally kill you."
Fortunately she's been friends with me long enough to know that me threatening her with death is my way of saying I love her, so she blows me a kiss and walks back into the changing room. Friend goals! Ew okay i hate myself

Ellie walks out of the one next to her and holds her arms out asking what we think.
"Damnn okay sexy!"
"Ayy okay mami!" Millie and I hype her up and she pretends to gag at my comment. Men who call women mami unironically are the WORST kind of men you cannot change my mind.
"Do you think he'll like it?" She asks, suddenly getting shy and looking nervous
Millie and i look at each other and smirk
"Who are you referring to exactly?" I ask, pretending to be confused. She just smiles and rolls her eyes while Millie laughs
"Shut up. I hate you guys."
She turns and walks back to the changing room
"Love you too baby!" I laugh after her and she flips me off. I love my friends.

The boys had dropped us off at the mall and went to some other stores in the area, so we were supposed to call them to come pick us up when we were ready to leave.
"Sadie will you call Gaten and tell them were ready?" Millie asks as we check out of the millionth store we've been to today
"No. I refuse to speak to him" she says, crossing her arms over her chest and furrowing her eyebrows.

Gaten and Caleb got Sadie and Ellie back for the whole ice bucket thing this morning, and Sadie is still upset about it because she was having "the best dream she's ever had" when Gaten interrupted it. Ellie wasn't too thrilled either because she stayed up all night watching gossip girl so she was cranky, but shes over it by now.

"Come on Sadie youre gonna have to talk to him eventually" millie reasons and sadie just shakes her head
"Nope! I refuse to ever speak to him again. He interrupted me and Timothee Chalamet. That is unforgivable."
Millie sighs and turns to me and ellie
"Will one of you call him then? I have no idea where my phone is and my hands are full"
I nod and pull up his contact. It rings for a long ass time, but he picks up right before it hits the answering machine.


"Hey Gaten are you guys close? Were ready to go"

For some reason he just laughs. I look at the girls in confusion

"Do I actually sound like Gaten?"

My heart does some rollercoaster shit and i smile even though he cant see me.

"No not at all, but to be fair i only heard you say one word. I wouldve noticed if it were more"

"Right" Finn laughs and i can hear yelling in the background

"Whats that?" I ask and he sighs
"Gaten and Noah fighting over the aux cord. Nothing new" i laugh at the thought of that
"Cant say im jealous of you right now"
"Yeah its giving me a headache. Caleb and I gave up like 10 minutes ago"
"Smart decision" i smile and suddenly realize all the girls are smirking at me and making kissy faces. I roll my eyes and signal for them to cut it out which just makes them laugh

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