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After everyone changed out of their swimsuits they decided to go walk the trails for a bit because we still have a while before our reservation is ready, but because i physically do not have the energy to walk anymore i decided to take one for the team and stay behind so we can get our table when its ready.

Now im sitting on the grass under a huge tree watching the boats on the lake, and what makes it even fucking prettier is the sun beginning to set in the distance which makes everything appear to be glowing.

Ive said it once and ill say it again, im a whore for nature.

But honestly, im also feeling a little weird because this is the first time ive been alone in a long time, and im not really sure how to feel. I havent had a whole lot of time by myself to just think or anything, which Im not complaining at all. I absolutely hate being alone with my thoughts. I always end up ruining things for myself, and i know if im out here by myself for long enough im gonna end up ruining my own mood.
So, instead, i focus on the boats gliding across the lake, which is really mesmerizing to watch. So much so that i dont even notice Finn sit down on the grass next to me until he literally waves his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, hey" i jump a little, turning to look at him
"I thought you were gonna go on the walk?"

"Nah, im exhausted so i decided to just sit this one out" he says nonchalantly, but i smile to myself a little knowing why he actually stayed behind.

"Simp" i mumble under my breath, and he whips his head toward me
"Whatd you say?"
"Nothing!" i smile innocently, and he narrows his eyebrows at me
"You talking shit?"

"Me? Never!"

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes jokingly and i ruffle his hair like im his dad or something
"But for the record i am kinda happy you stayed behind. Sometimes you dont annoy me that much."

"Oh, youre too kind" he says dramatically, smiling sweetly at me and leaning his face on his hand
"What ever did i do to deserve you?"

"Mustve been something pretty baller" i shrug and look back at the lake where the water now almost looks like its glowing because of where the sun is.

"Wait come on" i say, standing up and brushing the grass off my legs then holding my hands out to Finn
"I wanna go down to the dock."

"Right now?"
"Yes come with me!"
He groans in exhaustion but lets me help pull him so hes standing up and we head down the path to the dock together, even though im pretty sure it's technically closed since the boat rental closes at 5 but eh i dont really care.

We sit down with our legs hanging over the dock, just sitting in comfortable silence watching the boats drifting by in the distance. I try to lean back on my hands, but physically wince in pain when i do.

"Ow shit" i mutter, leaning forward and looking at my ripped up hands. Ew.

"Whoa jesus" finns eyes widen when he sees them
"Does that hurt?"

"Kind of" i shrug
"Its not terrible."

"Sorry about that" he says apologetically, knowing that the majority of it was probably from the way he was trying to send me into oblivion on the tube
"Ill help you bandage them when we get home"

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