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"Y/n" I wake up to the feeling of somebody roughly shaking me
"Y/n oh my god wake up"

"Mmm. Five more minutes"

"No y/n seriously-"

Then, i hear the very distinct sound of a wave crashing about three feet away from me.
That gets me right up.

My eyes shoot open and i sit straight up, feeling every joint in my body pop from my sudden movement.
And sure enough, just a few feet away from my legs is the fucking ocean.

"Holy shit" i gasp, scooting away from it and looking at Finn in shock
"Did we seriously..?"

"Sleep on the fucking beach? Looks like it" he laughs, pushing his tangled hair away from his face
"Oh my god" i mumble feeling a small smile cracking on my face
"Oh my god."

"I agree" he chuckles
"I wonder if theyre looking for us"

"Do you even think they noticed we were gone?" I ask, running a hand through my hair and feeling millions of knots. I cant even imagine what i look like.
"Something tells me they're probably still knocked out" he says, stretching his arms up and yawning (which is not a bad sight by the way.)

"Well what time do you think it is?" I yawn too because for some reason yawns are fucking contagious??? I dont get it.

He laughs a little at me and shrugs
"No idea. Probably like eight or so since the tide is coming in."
"Okay Mr. Smartypants" i say, and he throws a little clump of sand at me
"Shut up. Its common knowledge."
"Well clearly not because i didnt know" i point out, throwing a little sand back at him
"Maybe youre just stupid?" He says innocently, raising his eyebrows at me and grinning
I gasp and throw another clump of sand at him
"Take it back!"
"No" he says teasingly, throwing one at me too
"Yes!" Clump of sand
"No" Clump of sand
"You wanna go?" I ask threateningly, holding up a huge clump of sand to show im not afraid to chuck that shit at him
He smiles mischievously and out of the corner of my eye i see him taking a big scoop of sand, then before i can fully understand what's about to happen, he fucking chucks it directly at my face.

My jaw drops and a huge smile spreads on his face, and he quickly stands up because he knows im about to kill him.
"Oh youre gonna pay for that one!"
He turns and starts running down the beach, laughing like a little kid and i sprint after him throwing as much sand as i can hold at the back of his head and getting it all in his hair.
Once im the one defenseless he smirks triumphantly, suddenly turning around and throwing a huge clump of sand at me that i didnt even know he had.
It hits me square in the face, and i feel it going in my mouth and up my nose, which might be one of the most uncomfortable things ive ever experienced. And because im satan spawn, i get a brilliant idea.
"Ow fuck!!" I yell dramatically
"It went in my eyes!"

"Oh shit seriously?"
I'm so thankful my eyes are squeezed shut otherwise i know i would absolutely die at the look on his face.

"Yes seriously!" I cry in agony
"I cant see!"
"Uhhh okay hold on" he says frantically, and i can hear him moving towards me
"Just stay there and ill get some water to put on them-"

Right when i know hes close enough, I open my eyes and smile maliciously at him
"Gotcha bitch."

I quickly try to push him into the sand and run, but as hes falling back he grabs onto me and pulls me back with him, making both of us tumble back into the sand.
He falls flat on his back, and somehow i manage to fall directly on top of him, which i dont think feels very good for either of us.
"Ow" i mumble dramatically, sitting up and rubbing my wrist since i landed weird on it
"Youre the one saying ow?" He chuckles, starting to try and sit up but not being able to since im completely sitting on his torso with my legs on either side of him.
A smirk flashes on his face and he lays back, putting his hands behind his head
"Well hello there."

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