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Andy's POV

Three days later


Ricky and I haven't really been able to discuss our plans of escape. He's had some pretty gnarly migraines and goes straight to sleep as soon as it's time for us to report back to our cells.

Ricky seems to be alright today. I think he's just been getting headaches because ever since I've gotten here, it's been snowy weather, then rainy weather then it's nice enough to go outside in shorts.

Anyway, Ricky and I are at our normal table, eating this gross slime that this jail likes to call 'food'.

"What is this? Is this a pea or an eye?" I asked as I played with my food.

"I'm going to take a good guess and say it's an ey-" Ricky replied before getting cut off by one of the guards.

"Olson! Sykes! This is dinner time! Not conversation time!" The guard scolded. I rolled my eyes at him. I hope I don't have to be here much longer. I'm starting to get real bad cramps and I don't want to walk around with blood underwear and be unnecessarily bitchy.

"Asshole" I mumbled under my breath. Ricky chuckled quietly.

Before we knew it, the bell to report back to our cells rang.

Ricky and I got up and tossed our trays. We walked down to cell block B, which is the hall that the boys who are well behaved but have long sentences are placed.

"Officer Jacobs is an asshole" I sighed.

"Don't let him hear you say that" he said as he opened our cell door. The cells automatically lock when the door shuts and can only be opened from the outside.

The inmates who are the most well behaved in this hall get the cell that has the light switch, they get a later curfew, they get actual beds and pillows and they also get the cell that has no window or security camera since they're trusted- well, as much as you can trust a minor with a criminal record.

Ricky is the most trusted and well behaved in this jail, so he gets the nice cell. He's supposed to have this cell by himself but since there was no space left in the jail and the cell is made to accommodate two inmates, so I got placed with him.

"Now that we aren't surrounded by narcs and cops, we can finally discuss our escape plans" he stated.

"So, how are we and when are we gonna get out of here?" I asked.

"Well, I have a broken piece of plastic that can work as a flathead screwdriver, and that toilet can be unscrewed, so we could escape tonight if we wanted to. McKinley is the night guard tonight and he doesn't do a very good job of keeping us in line, so we could escape and he wouldn't even know" he explained.

"Let's do it" I stated, my voice accidentally went to it's original girly sound and I threw my hands up and covered my mouth.

"Sorry, my voice still cracks sometimes" I chuckled nervously.

"Okay, let's get to it" he suggested, hopping down from his bunk. He went to his little desk thing and got out his broken piece of plastic. He walked over to the toilet and started unscrewing the screws. There were eight screws holding this toilet in place.

Ricky got them all out in the span of ten minutes. He picked up the toilet and put it to the side.

"It looks like we'll be able to fit through this hole, I have batteries and a flashlight, let's get this popping, I'll go first" he said. He walked over to his little desk and grabbed a baggie of batteries and a flashlight. I'm not even going to question how he obtained those items but I'm pretty sure they were smuggled in through someone's butt.

"If you fall, I got you okay?" He assured me. I nodded as he climbed into the small hole. He yelled when it was good for me to come down. I don't know if I'll be able to be alone with him without pulling a move, he's so hot.

I climbed into the small hole, I'm really small, so I didn't have traction, so I couldn't scoot my way down into the sewers. I just fell. I fell right into Ricky's arms.

"How far are we gonna walk through this?" I asked.

"I know these sewers like the back of my hands, so in like ten miles, we'll be safe to come out" he said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because my parents' house is ten miles up the road, so we can get my car, since it has a spare key and should have a full tank and all the money I've saved up before I went to Juvy" he explained as we began to walk.

"No, how do you know the sewer system like the back of your hand?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the real answer to" he answered vaguely. I raised an eyebrow at him but left the subject alone.

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