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Ricky's POV


I read the text that I got from Andy. I don't know how I respond to it. I mean I did basically tell her that I didn't want the kid if it was mine. I still haven't told Jessica, but I just came home so I'll tell her when she wakes up.

I walked to mine and Jessica's room. She was sleeping peacefully on her side of the bed. I love her so much. Even though we've only been together for two months.

"Babe, I'm home" I cooed as I set down my suitcase in our closet. She stirred a little bit before sitting up.

"Hey babe" she said, her voice raspy.

"I have something to tell you after you wake up" I said.


I sat out in our living room as I waited for my girlfriend.

She eventually came out, looking beautiful as usual.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked as she sat down in my lap.

"Well... You may or may not be mad at me about this..." I trailed.

"Tell me" she said.

"Imightbeadad" I said quickly.

"Slow down" she told me.

"I might- I might be a dad" I muttered. She stared at me.

"What do you mean by might?" She asked.

"Before we started dating, like a week before we started dating, I slept with Bring Me the Horizon's tour manager. She also slept with her boyfriend, who's in the band she's managing the night before she slept with me and now she's pregnant and doesn't know whose it is" I explained.

"How long have you known?" She asked, seeming sort of irritated.

"Since she found out. I kinda told her that I don't want anything to do with the baby if it's mine but I do" I replied.

"Well, tell her that you want to be part of the baby's life if it is yours" she told me.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"I am a little upset and irritated that you slept with her even though we were talking, but I can't get mad about you possibly having a child because you didn't cheat on me. I want you to be in that child's life if it is yours, do you want your baby to wonder where its father is when its like twelve and gets told that the man that's been raising him or her isn't their father?" She asked. She had a point.

"I'll talk to the baby's mom later, after I figure out how I'm going to apologize" I sighed. She nodded and got up out of my lap.

Now to think of ways of saying sorry.

Juvy (Ricky Horror)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang