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Andy's POV

After BMTH gets off stage


"You guys did great!" I said, hugging my brother, boyfriend and best friends tightly.

"Thanks, short stack" Oli grinned.

"Andy, we can't travel to the next venue for a couple days" Korel said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"There's black ice on a load of bridges, there's a blizzard in New York City right now, so, it's just safer to check into a hotel tonight and see how things are tomorrow" he explained.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know" I replied.

"Guys! Travel conditions are bad, right now. We're staying in a hotel tonight!" I announced.

"I call the room with Andy!" Vegan said. Oli rolled his eyes.

"She's my sister, mate. Shouldn't I get the room with her?" Oli asked.

"She's my best friend, and don't forget that you have a thing for our merch girl, so, you can share a room with her" Vegan insisted

"She has a boyfriend, Kean!" Oli shot back.

"Andy's my best friend!" Vegan stated, he had no comeback. Oli rolled his eyes in defeat as we got onto the tour bus. I told the driver to follow Motionless in White.

We got to the nearest hotel and checked in. I told everybody who they're paired with. We got put on the same floor as MIW. I paired Jonah and Oliver together, Vegan and I together, and Nicholls and Lee together.

We all got to our rooms, Vegan and I are having alone time together, the others are going out with Motionless in White for drinks.

"You know, we've basically been together for two years and we've never actually had sex?" Vegan asked as I cuddled into his side.

"I'm not ready for that Matt, I love you to death but I don't want you to use me and leave me" I replied.

"Babe, I wouldn't do that. Trust me if I were gonna use you for sex, I would have already done it" he brought up.

"Fine, but I'm a virgin" I sighed.

"I know that" he said.

"How th-" I said before he started kissing my neck.

"I'm your first kiss and first boyfriend" he said.

"Actually, Ricky from MIW was my first kiss" I pointed out.

"Way to ruin the mood babe" he said as Oliver barged in. Vegan and I scooted away from each other as fast as we could.

"KEAN YOU ARE DEAD!" Oli screamed.

"Why?!" Vegan asked.


"We haven't fucked. Yes, we've been dating, we've had a crush on each other since the moment we met- Hold up! How do you know that we're together?" Vegan asked.

"Ricky from Motionless told me" Oli replied.

"Andy, did you tell Ricky that we're dating?" Vegan asked.

"Yeah, because he asked and I specifically told him not to tell Oliver" I shrugged. Okay. Now I see where I fucked up.

"Well, he told me and I want you two to break up now. I will not have one of my best friends dating my sister, I would much rather have her date that scumbag named Ricky than you, Matthew" Oliver stated, still fuming.

"No! We're not gonna break up! I'm not gonna break up with an amazing man because my older brother doesn't approve! I'm in love Matthew Kean!" I shouted as I grabbed Vegan's hand.

"You're basically still a kid Andy! You don't know what love is!" Oli snapped.

"Yeah, I do! I do love Matt!" I said.

"Andy, calm down, just say okay and move on" Vegan insisted as he let go of my hand. He didn't have the energy to fight with Oli on this topic.

"Are you saying that you want to break up, Matthew?" I asked.

"No, I'm just saying, don't try to pick a fight. Just say okay and move on" he replied.

"Okay. Fine. Now, I'm gonna find Olson." I mumbled. I walked down the hall to Ricky's room and barged into it. I punched him in the face.

"What was that for?!" Ricky asked, holding his nose.

"For telling my brother that I'm dating Matt!" I shouted.

"Why are you so fucking abusive to me?" He asked.

"I'm not abusive! You fucking deserve what you get from me!" I said.

"You punched me!" He said, blood seeping from between his fingers because of his bleeding nose.

"Because you fucking deserve it" I said.

"Maybe, if you weren't a whore, you wouldn't be in this situation" he shrugged.

"Is someone jealous because I can actually get somebody while you're only trying to make yourself miserable?" I asked.

"Why would I be jealous of a female wannabe who's dating a guy a huge nose?" He asked. I walked closer to him and gave him the hardest and most painful slap that was in me. He held his face for a second then he grabbed me by the waist, pulled me against his body and kissed me. I will admit that I kissed back for a split second and he's an amazing kisser and that there was fireworks and all that shit, but it felt right to kiss him, it was nothing like Matt's kisses. I feel something when I kiss Matt but it's not an adrenaline rush like this kiss with Ricky was like.

I pulled away and pushed him off of me.

"What the fuck, Richard?! I have a fucking boyfriend!" I shouted before walking back to mine and Vegan's room. 

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