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Andy's POV

Three weeks later


Tour came and went. Ricky and I are on okay terms, I guess. Matt and I are still best friends. The break up hasn't even affected us, we still cuddle and hang out.

I haven't talked to Ricky at all since tour ended, a week ago. I probably wouldn't be able to text him anyway. Since, he has an American number, while I have an English one.

"Are you okay, Andy? You look sick" Hannah asked as we walked through the mall.

"I don't know, Hannah. For the past week, I've been really nauseous and vomiting, I can't eat anything without thro-" I said before I upchucked onto the floor in front of me.

"Come on, let's get you home, you need some water and some rest, planning for the next tour is probably stressing you out too much" she suggested as we walked towards the door of the mall.

"Can you call Oliver for me, please? Let him know that our shopping trip was cut short and that we're heading home" she asked as she handed me her phone and began to load up her car. I dialed Oliver's number as she shut the trunk, I handed her phone to her. She put it on speaker so she can focus on the road.

"Hannah?" Oli answered.

"Hey, honey, Andy and I's shopping trip got cut short and we're heading home" she told him as we pulled out of the parking space.

I live with Oliver and his fiance, Hannah, by the way.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked, he's really sweet to Hannah, believe it or not.

"Andy has an upset stomach and threw up at the mall, she can't keep food in her stomach and has been feeling this way for a week, I think she's stressed out" she said.

"A week? Hannah, please take her to the hospital, I think there's more than just stress making her stomach upset" he said. I shuttered. I hate hospitals, they smell like death and the thought of being in a place full of sick people on the verge of death, scares me, half of them have contagious diseases that I do not want to catch.

"Will do, now, there's police cars everywhere, so, I'm going to let you off here, love you, bye" she told him before she hung up. She drove down the street to the hospital and parked.

"Hannah, do you think I'm gonna die?" I asked.

"No Andy, you probably have the stomach flu, the doctor will probably give you some anti-nausea medication and tell you to come back in a week, if you're not better" she said.

"You're probably right" I sighed as we entered the building. We got to the front desk and they got me registered and handed me paperwork to fill out.

It was common sense questions, like; your name, date of birth, social security number, what's bringing you into the emergency room. That type of stuff.


Eventually, my name got called and Hannah and I followed the nurse to the room.

"What brings you in today?" The heavy set nurse wearing scrubs with the fat, orange cat known as Garfield asked as she took my blood pressure.

I looked at Hannah. Hopefully, she'll tell the nurse.

"Sweetheart, you're twenty years old, you need to tell me what's wrong" the nurse told me.

"I've been nauseous and vomiting for a week and I can't keep down anything that I eat" I replied.

"Nausea and vomiting? Okay, since, you're female, and you're old enough to have a cycle, you need to take a urine sample, so, we can see if you're pregnant or not, it's procedure" she told me as she pulled open the drawer labeled 'urine specimen cups'.

"Now, go into the bathroom across the hall, and try to get as much urine in there as possible" she ordered me to do as she handed me the cup. I obeyed and went to the bathroom and pissed in the cup.

I got back and wrapped the cup in a paper towel and handed it to the nurse.

"Your doctor should be in here as soon as the results come back" she told me as we walked out of the room.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" Hannah asked, breaking the silence.

"God, I hope not. I'm only twenty. I'm too young to be having children, this is the reason why I was so hesitant to lose my virginity" I sighed. She stayed silent, I don't think she was able to think of what to say.


Eventually, the doctor came in. He sighed deeply before talking.

"Hello, Ms. Sykes, I'm Dr. Stanley, and it's my understanding that you've been nauseous and vomiting for the past week?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, we got the results of your pregnancy test back" he said.

"And?" I asked.

"You are indeed pregnant" he told me. I began to cry.

Juvy (Ricky Horror)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora