Chapter 4

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Game night was at Winn's house. Winn was Kara's best childhood friend aside from Lena they had grown up together. Winn had recently become a newlywed and was proud to show off the things that he shared with his wife Lyra in their apartment outside of town.

Winn didn't have any wickedness in him. He couldn't even hunt due to his tender heart. He'd do anything for anyone and he almost never got offended except of course when someone tried to mess with his wife.

Alex Kara's older sister was there of course along with Sam. They were setting up to play jenga. Kara and Alex being the competitive sisters they were always tried to one up each other. It always ended the same though with both siblings eventually accepting that they couldn't win at every game that is of course if they weren't paired up together. No one beat the Danvers sisters.

Kara sipped on her beer while watching as Alex and Sam cuddled closer on the couch. Lyra was basically sitting on Winn's lap as he looked smitten. When did
game night turn into couples night? Winn and Lyra, Alex and Sam. Kara longed for someone as well but the girl of her dreams had just asked her to find her a secret lover for the summer. Kara was lost in her thoughts when she felt a jenga piece hit her squarely in the eye. "Ow! What the fuck Alex!" Kara yelled at her unamused sister. "Kara this is game night and you haven't really been paying attention most of the night." Alex gave her a stern look.

"Oh come on babe leave poor Kara alone she's obviously upset about something." Sam said as she placed a quick kiss to Alex's cheek before heading to the kitchen to grab another bottle of wine.
"I'm not upset." Kara argued as Sam settled back into the couch next to her wife.

"Come on Kara, I'm a mom I'm really good at empathizing with other people's feelings." Alex rolled her eyes as Sam played the nurturing mother card on her baby sister.

"It's nothing honestly." Kara said as she carefully picked which jenga piece to pull from the wobbly structure being careful not to knock it down as she placed her piece on top.
"This whole mopey attitude wouldn't happen to have anything to due with a certain raven haired friend of ours now would it?" Sam pired

"Hey I heard that!" Winn said as Lyra had gotten off his lap to go use the bathroom. Tuning into the conversation in front of him.
"Oh shut it she's not talking about you Winn." Alex huffed.
"You mean Lena!" Winn said as Kara's eyes grew wide at the mention of her best friend.

"Ah ha I knew it!" Sam smirked at Alex.

"I should have guessed Kara rarely gets upset unless it has something to do with Lena." Alex said as a matter a factly.

"Okay so what about Lena? what happened?" Winn asked as he picked out a lone jenga piece towards the middle. His hand shaking nervously as he pulled the piece as careful as he possibly could only for the structure to come collapsing down all at once.
"Dammit!" He yelped as he hung his head.

"Winn!" Sam and Alex both yelled in unison at him.
"Sorry guys. Okay Kara so what's wrong?" He gave her a sympathetic look.

Kara stared at her friends and sister as they gave her some knowing looks.
Kara sighed why did she have to have such caring and loving people on her case all the time? 'Fuck it' she thought they are going to find out sooner or later.

"Alright,alright I'll tell you all jeez you all are worse than my parents." Kara groaned.

"Okay so? What's going on?!" Alex was starting to get annoyed at Kara's dramatics.

Kara had filled them in on Lena's summer project. Along with the horrific and dirty details as to what her project consisted of. When Kara was done explaining she waited for their reaction.

"Okay I always knew Lena was a determined overachiever but this takes the cake. She seriously thought of asking Morgan Edge to deflower her?! Yeah she must have finally gone crazy." Alex said taking a big swig of her beer.

"Lena can't be serious though, losing your virginity is a big deal and it shouldn't just happen out on a whim. I mean it is a very intimate situation when two become one. That should be shared with someone you care about deeply." Winn said as he gathered all the jenga pieces and placed them back in the container.

Kara let out an exasperated sigh as she broached the subject more. "Okay first of all Winn I can't believe you just quoted a Spice Girls song. Second, not all of us are as lucky as you to stay together and marry the person you lost your virginity too."

Winn shook his head in agreement he knew that what he and Lyra had was what some would call a fairy tale romance and not many people were lucky enough to have that. "Yeah I suppose you're right."

Sam had been strangely quiet the entire time listening to Kara, Winn and Alex discuss the situation at hand.

"Kara you have to talk some sense into Lena this is more than just another project for her to complete." Sam told her.
Kara listened intently knowing Sam and Lena had been friends for along time too. If anyone else was going to help her with her current predicament it would be her.
"I know Lena just as well as you do and she will see this project through by any means necessary."

"I know Sam it's just that she's my best friend and I want to help her out. I want to be supportive even if I don't always agree with her. I want to be there to protect her from getting hurt." Kara pleaded.

"You're in love with her, aren't you?" Sam said as more of a statement than a question.

Kara looked like a deer caught in the headlights at her sister-in-law's blunt comment. She just proved her point but Kara wasn't just about to flat out profess her feelings for Lena in front of them.

"Oh come on Kara don't play dumb. We've all noticed how you longingly stare at her when you think no one is watching. How your face lights up when you see her. You look at Lena as if she hung the stars in the night sky." Sam continued.

Kara's jaw dropped surely she had been better at keeping her feelings a secret.

"She's right Kara subtlety is definitely not your strong suit." Winn commented.

Alex shook her head this was getting ridiculous she was about to set her sister straight...well point her in the right direction.
"Kara seriously you ignorant goober open your eyes you love Lena and she loves you. You both are just idiots who don't know how to express your feelings for one another which is why you are still just friends."

Kara brushed a hand through her unruly blonde curls.
She shook her head refusing to listen anymore of this nonsense. "Enough!" She said.
"I'm going to help Lena like I said before she's my best friend and that's what best friends do for each they support and help each other out no matter what."

She got up from her place on the couch gathering her things getting ready to leave but before she could make it out the door she heard Alex call out to her
"Kara just think about it okay? Do you really want Lena to complete her project with some idiot by the end of the summer? Or do you want to be brave enough to finally confess your feelings to her?"

"Goodnight guys." Kara said as she stepped out of the apartment and made her way back home.

She had a lot of things to think long and hard about.

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