Witch One?

421 21 35

Hello Hello! 

Unfortunately for y'all, I've returned! But hey, that's not my problem lol!

This sheep is the representation of how I feel right now!

Welcome to my next trash-terpiece, which I've hopefully edited as I go along (highly unlikely I will ever edit anything though oops).

Updates? No promised time this book because, well, I suck at keeping up with schedules. I'll try to update relatively often? Maybe not who knows? Not I.  (Update: As of 4/18/20 I am aiming to update every other Sunday! The schedule will begin tomorrow, 4/19/20.)

Anywho, please know that I'm dumb and lazy so I do research but I'm not majoring in this stuff so I can be completely wrong. Feel free to tell me but no promises I'll fix it because, ya know, lazy. I'm doing what I can so cut me some slack! Plus if it's before the sixteenth chapter or is a detail that will cause issues throughout the whole storyline, there's no way I'd ever find the motivation to fix all of that.

‼️ D I S C L A I M E R : ‼️

 Believe it or not, I do not own BTS or anything BTS related, nor does it reflect thoughts, opinions, or behaviors of the BTS members. This is an alternate universe, created by yours truly, so though they may have similar/the same appearance and name and some behavioral characteristics may align with the BTS members' but the selected traits, habits, and appearances have been made by my choice. I do not own this AU, but I do own the book's storyline.

⚠️ W A R N I N G S : ⚠️

This story contains the following things that may or may not make you uncomfortable or something: 

Profanity, mild violence, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, and reckless behavior

If there is anything you need a specific warning for, please notify me so I can put a warning at the top of the chapter. 

(I was desperately trying to remember what I put in the written chapters that would need a warning and suddenly forgot everything. Just everything was wiped from my memory. Everything. I couldn't even remember who I was for a hot second.)

✨ C O P Y R I G H T : ✨

© TheBigDumbKari 

ANYWHO ANYWHO, I hope you enjoy and I ask that you be a bit patient with my sporadic updates and inconsistent ability to write! ALSO, I'M GOING TO BE MESSING WITH FORMATTING, mostly because I cringe at looking back at my last stories and how sloppily formatted they were. Also because aesthetics.

Things you need to know since I needed to know too lol, get your brain cells ready!

Witch One? ~Indefinite Hiatus~Where stories live. Discover now