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Sea Witch's POV

I sigh as I stare at the letter in front of me, signed with a sparkling black ink. A set the letter aside and begin preparing my messy cottage for a visitor.

"It's nice seeing you again," I smile as I greet the tired pale man in front of me.

"It has been a while, hasn't it Jimin?" There was a ghost of a smile on his face, but it didn't seem to quite reach his dark black eyes.

We sit down on opposite sides of my soft brown coffee table, a cup of tea or coffee in hand.

"Is something the matter Yoongi?" I ask with a tilt of my head, noticing the man who could normally smile freely around me was having trouble.

"It's just-" he sighs heavily while rubbing his face harshly, "I lost my apprentice."

My eyes widen and swallowing a gasp I ask, "How?"

"I, I messed up Jiminie. I, I told her there was no way she could communicate with the stars, the, the night you know?" He waits for me to nod. "And I knew she could but she wasn't ready yet for the responsibility cause sometimes the stars tell me to do irrational things and you have to be able to know. But she tried to argue with me and - I blew up."

I scoot around the table and sit next to him, rubbing his back in hopes of relieving his frustration.

"I told her that she either talks to me or the stars even though I knew her passion for the night and the, the magic. I saw her regret what she did and when she tried to talk I told her that if she trusts the stars so much she should just leave and listen to them. She left," it sounded like he was on the verge of tears and it broke my heart to hear such a close friend, a brother, in such pain.

"Do, do you want to talk about something else? To distract yourself?" I ask softly, knowing he liked it when I distracted him after his rants.

He nods, taking a deep breath and looks at me.

"So," I clap my hands together, "let's see... Nothing exciting has happened until the past few days when I had a trespasser. The annoying brat had the nerve to tell me I didn't own the beach because it wasn't in the Witch's Map of Territory, which I don't understand why it still isn't even though this is my beach! She left me a note saying if I had a problem with her being here I'd have to bring my official documents! The nerve!"

He chuckles with a shake of his head, making me smile.

"So I went to confront her, but she said I could only do that at ungodly hours of the night and you know me, I don't like staying up but I don't like people trying to show me up either. So I confronted her and she starts going on about how she could be there and I'm really just a wanna be witch! So I challenged her and I, of course, won because she was afraid of getting hurt. But she still won't leave!" I groan frustrated remembering how stubborn she was.

"You had a duel? You haven't done that in forever! I'm surprised you won," Yoongi laughs making me pout.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side! Plus I don't think she could really do much," I shrug thinking about it.

"Well, what kind of witch is she?"

"A Witch of Night," I answer and he momentarily freezes before forcing himself to relax.

He only hums in thought before speaking, "We don't have many ways to fight really, so it makes sense. She must be a bit impulsive to engage in a duel with you."

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