Chapter 1

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I recently started watching Lifetime movies from the 1990's and if you ask me they're a lot better than the newer ones so anyway after watching some of them this idea popped into my head. I wondered what would it be like if Fairy Tail characters were in situations like this plus I think it would be cool to see Jellal and Erza as law enforcers. Enjoy and please no rude comments.

Gray Fullbuster was happier than he had ever been in his life. He worked as a mechanic and he didn't earn a lot, just enough. He also lived in a very small apartment in a very poor neighborhood but he was married to a beautiful and loving woman who had given him an equally beautiful son. For a whole year he would come home from work to see his wife Juvia holding their son Winter close and singing lullabies to him. He didn't think that there was a single sight more beautiful than that.

"I'm home." He said walking through the door.

"Hello dear, how was work?" She greeted.

"A real pain in the ass as usual."

"Gray what have I told you about cursing in front of Winter?"

"He's a baby honey, he doesn't understand what we're saying."

"He's a year old and that's usually when babies learn to talk. I want his first words to be Mama or Dada not an alternative yet inappropriate word for donkey."


"Oh my goodness I forgot about the tea I was making." Juvia realized.

"Here I'll take him." Gray said.

Juvia placed Winter in Gray's lap and went to answer the phone. Gray gave his son his most loving smile.

"And how's my boy huh? Has Mommy driven you crazy with all her hugs and kisses yet?"

The one year old just looked at him and grabbed hold of his nose with his tiny hand. Gray chuckled.

"Hey Daddy got you a little something on his way home from work."

He pulled a fluffy, stuffed penguin and held it up to him. Little Winter took the toy penguin from him and started to study it with curiosity.

"Winter you're only one but I already know you're gonna do me proud. I can't wait to teach you how to ride a bike and how to play catch."

"You know I wouldn't be surprised if he grew up to look just like you." Juvia said walking into the living room with a cup of tea.

"I don't know he has your eyes."

"But he has your smile."

"What smile? He never smiles."

"He smiles at me all the time especially when I sing to him. He's a music lover you know."


"I'll get it."

Juvia went to answer the phone.

"It's Natsu."


Gray handed Winter to his wife and talked on the phone with his best and oldest friend Natsu Dragneel.

"Natsu you didn't....Well of course she dumped you! God you're an idiot! I told you not to do it!...No I will not...No don't beg....Okay, okay I'll be right over."

He hung up.

"What happened?" Juvia asked.

"Natsu cheated on Lucy with some other girl, she found out, and she dumped him. Now he's going to the local pub to get drunk and he wants me to be the sober guy who drives him home."

"Oh dear." She said. "I thought they were the perfect couple."

"I told him not to do it but he never listens to me. Anyway are you okay with me going down there to get him?"

"Sure. Just don't drink and drive."

"I won't. I'll be back at eight." He kissed his wife and his son. "Bye Juvia, bye Winter."

"Bye Gray. Say bye-bye to Daddy, Winter."

He took his tiny hand and made it wave at her husband. Gray gave his wife and child one last smile before leaving the apartment but he forgot to lock the door.

"Well Winter, Mommy is going to take a bath and you are going to take a little nap."

She laid him in his crib and covered him with the blue blanket she had sewed for him which had snowflakes embroidered on it. After that she went to the bathroom and started a bath for herself. She had just undressed and sat down in the warm, bubbling water when she heard Winter crying.

"Oh Winter." She sighed. She had just fed and changed him, and he tended to be very clingy sometimes so she assumed that he was fussing for attention. "Mommy's coming Winter. Mommy's coming."

The crying continued and so Juvia got out of the bath. She had just slipped on her robe and slippers when suddenly the crying stopped. Confused, she went into the other room to check up on Winter only to find an empty crib.


She looked over in the crib and around the room, her eyes desperately seeking out her son. She was then horrified to see that the door to their apartment was wide open.

"Oh my God! Help! Somebody please!" She screamed. "Somebody stole my baby! Gray!"

Juvia called the police and then she called Gray. He raced back as soon as he heard the news. He asked a policeman to go pick up Natsu.

"We have reason to believe that someone has sneaked into your apartment and taken your child." The policeman interviewing them said.

"No shit Sherlock!" Gray shouted angrily.

"You have to find my baby!" Juvia sobbed. "You have to find him!"

"Ma'am I can assure you that I have my best men searching for your son."

"The cameras! Our building has video cameras! They gotta have something!" Gray said.

"According to your landlord the cameras were down due to a shortage."

"What?! No way! No way man!"

"Sir I need you to calm down."

"Calm down? Don't tell me to calm down damnit! My son is missing! I should be looking for him not talking to you!"

The police searched and so did Gray and Juvia. They even got their friends to look but they found no trace of their son. After a year had passed the search was called off. Gray furiously made demands that the police continue searching, poor Juvia cried herself to sleep every night, they were both inconsolable and heartbroken.

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