Chapter seven: On his way

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Drawing of Romeo Villa, age 15.

Drawing done again by my good friend Shadowhuntersdeath for the drawing, thanks.

Harry was now eleven years old and boarding the train at platform nine and three quarters.

It had now been seven years since he had met Allyssa and started a new life away from his old family.

He grew up in Yorkshire in the Rose family cottage (Which was more like a mansion). He played with the muggle children, performed magic with his mum, learnt how to blend in with muggles, and was now going to school.

He had been rather surprised when his mum told him that he was going to go to Hogwarts in September.

They had been sat at the table, a week before Harry's birthday, when Allyssa had handed over the letter.

"But, mum, I thought you said that there's not much point in me going to Hogwarts?" he had asked, puzzled.

"Academically, not really. But I think you should still go through that experience of your life, Harry."


"I don't want you to look back on your life in a few years and feel like you missed out on something, Harry," she took a drink from her glass of orange juice. "Do you want to go? Because if you don't, Harry, I won't force you to. It's entirely your choice."

Harry had to think for a while. He knew that if he went to Hogwarts, then his family would definitely be there. The Prophet had covered an interview in which the Potters had said that they were going to stay at Hogwarts to help 'make sure precious Colin felt supported'. In fact, James Potter had said that he was going to help teach flying while Lily co-taught muggle studies. His free life would be exposed to them. But did he care..?

This also would give him a chance to make friends with other wizards and witches. Most of his friends were muggles, all of them were fun, but Harry did want to make friends with people who may be able to understand him completely and would be easier to relate to.

"Yes mum," he had told her. "I want to go, if that's okay."

Allyssa smiled at him. "Fantastic!" she replied. "We'll go to Diagon Alley for your school supplies later."

Harry had been to Diagon Alley many times with his mum to buy potion supplies and buy new spell books, each time he had felt enchanted. This time felt so excited!

He'd had no need to buy books or a cauldron, but he had been happy about being measured for robes and gloves.

"Mum," he said to Allyssa while being measured for robes. "What are we going to buy next?"

"A wand," she replied.

"A wand!" Harry exclaimed turning to face her excitedly, almost pushing aside Madam Malkin. "Sorry miss!" he had said to her quickly, he then looked back at his mum. "Does this mean I won't have to borrow yours mum?"

"Sorry, Harry. After you get your wand you're not allowed to use magic outside of school."

"Oh... Okay, never mind," he'd shrugged. "At least I can use it at school!"

"Do you know who you remind me of? James Potter," Madam Malkin had commented as she shortened a sleeve. "He came in her with his with his wife and son the other day. And, let me tell you, that boy of his is a little swine!"

"Why do you say that?" Harry had asked, dreading the answer.

"He came in with his parents, who basically held me at wand point and told me to be careful not to prick him with anything. Then the boy kept boasting about his brilliant powers and how he was going to be the greatest wizard Hogwarts had ever seen. Clearly he's full of himself. After I was done sizing him for Hogwarts robes, he commanded that I measure him for scarlet and yellow robes. You know, to represent Gryffindor! I mentioned that it might not be a very good idea to do that because he doesn't know for sure what house he was going to be in..." she'd paused with a wince.

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