Chapter 4 - One Life For Another

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I stand behind Overhaul.







Bodies fall on the floor as we reveal ourselves and, the rest of the fuckers come out from the door.

With a grin, I state,

"Karma is here to collect his debt from the little sinning birds."

The battle has begun, fuckers.



That part went smoothly. Like, for once in my illegal mini life, it didn't fuck up somehow! I'm so happy! Too bad, I need to focus now.

The moment the war started, I had to hop back to avoid the clock-hair from Chronostasis. Taking advantage of the moment, I shoot my claws at the Vitality Stealing dude and shock up, successfully knocking him out.


I should have known guns were involved. I ski to the side to avoid some bullets along with the hair once more. I'm quick to notice Chronostasis can't move if his hair is moving. Highly inconvenient, in my opinion, especially if you are fighting by yourself. Chronostasis is randomly pushed back from me, but I know why.

"Go find the girl, Sweet Cheeks! We got them from here!" Yeah, only Big Sis Magne calls me that.

"Alright, Sweet Lips! Thank you!" I exclaim as I zoom out of the room while muttering for a new location. I start following directions until I come upon a vast crowd of villains arriving my way.

Of fucking course. The strange thing is that thugs don't hesitate. Usually, villains, even the stronger ones, wait whether it is to study me, to start a monologue, or in fear. The villains that attack me head-on either expected me somehow, are reckless, have no idea who I am (very rare), or they have nothing to lose. I'm going with my gut-feeling and saying it is the second one, mainly because this seems like a cult thing. You can't tell me this isn't a cult thing. They act like it.

"Going to slow down?" I ask with sarcasm. As suspected, they don't. I sigh, " Alright, then." I have a way of dealing with groups by myself. I dash forward into the group while reaching into my jacket. While I duck a hit, I pull out what looks like a pipe-bomb, trigger it, and drop it on the ground. I focus on dodging for a moment with speed, then trigger the shock factor of my gloves. In a snap, electricity fills the entire room. It knocks everybody out except me due to the shock-resistant clothing I wear. It takes a moment for the crackling to go down, but I don't bother to wait as I continue to my way.

Before you ask, I could have done that in the beginning. However, it leaves the environment dangerous for a while - meaning anything can catch on fire or anything else will. That's why I rarely use it. It also must be used in an enclosed room. Anyway, back on topic.

It takes a few minutes, I contact the police during that time, but I arrive at the door to the room that presumably holds the girl. I need to be calm about this. I can't be erratic; I don't want to scare the girl, after all. I pick the lock and slowly open the door.

The room itself is attempting to be comforting. When I mean attempting, I mean it's failing miserably at doing so. The walls and floor are grey. The bedside tables hold rather simple lamps. If you look at the corner, you can see a pile of unopened toys. However, on the queen-size bed, the girl trembles as she sits there looking me as if she is expecting the worst to happen.

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