In The Moonlight

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 I had no idea where I was going, it was dark, the Library only lit up by a few lights here and there. It was hard to focus, my head was swimming and trying to piece was I had read. I knew it was too important, I had to tell Ruby... but first I actually had to find Ruby.

I wasn't suppose to be here, that much I knew. I was suppose to be safe and sound with Lee, Citrine, and Amethyst. Yet here I was in a weird cream colored dress with a light brown apron looking thing over it and brown boots walking around a beautiful palace with marble floors and white stone with detailed etchings of Dragons and strange designs. I held the books close to me as I tried to figure out where to go once I left the library. I decided to head left which is where I was heading now. The lights dim, candles burning in these pretty candelabras that were fixed to the walls. I had to hide a few times as men in armor passed by. Luckily I ducked into some doorways and even hid in a room filled with linens.

I was lost, I didn't know where I was, which direction to go. I found myself outside, walking along a pathway that lead down into a small garden. In the center of this garden was a large hedge decorated with lights. I heard a humming, a soft singing started and I was drawn to it. I couldn't be seen though. I couldn't take the risk so I walked along the outside of hedges that lined the small garden.

The humming and singing got louder as I came around and noticed on the other side of the hedge was pool.. well.. a bath? There was a person bathing in it. I hid behind the hedge and peered through the branches which parted near the top and allowed me perfect sight without being seen.

The figure was sitting in this pool, a fountain attached to it that was pouring water onto him. The moonlight was shining right on him, like it was blessing him as he bathed.

His hair a dark color with flecks of a deep forest green. My eyes took in his hair and the way it shimmered in the moonlight, until he got closer to the water that was falling down, his arms reaching up as he ran his fingers through his hair. I took in how muscular his arms look... this guy looked like he could choke out anyone with one of his biceps. The way his veins popped out, my eyes followed them to his hands... damn... those were some good looking hands.

I hadn't noticed my mouth hanging open as my eyes traveled to his fingers, he ran his hands over his face and turned to the hedge I was hiding behind. I finally got a good look at his face...

"Damn.." I muttered softly and quietly clapped my hand over my mouth as I noticed he sudden looked stiff, sitting still in the pool with his eyes locked onto the hedge. I watched his jaw clench a bit and his tongue poked the inside of his cheek. He shook his hair out and got up on his knees as he turned, his back now to the hedge.

I softly sighed with some relief but I wanted to look at him more. I felt strange... a little like a creeper, watching him from a hedge like this. Yet something felt right about it. My eyes searched his back, he was so muscular but not overly you know? Like finely defined in all the right places. As my eyes traveled down his back he stood, his bare bottom meeting my eyes... holy shit he was naked? Why had I forgotten that part? He slowly went to turn again to face the shrub but I chickened out. No way, nope. Something in me was screaming to stay but hell no. I quietly continued on my journey to find Ruby, right.. Ruby. I needed to find her as soon as possible... damn he was a distraction.

I took a moment to breathe once I was right back inside the palace. I kept to the shadows as best as possible again as I made my way down a hallway. I went to turn the corner but was met by a man in Armor... well hell.

"Miss?" He asked, looking at me confused. I froze in panic... what the hell was I suppose to say? What excuse could I use?

"Yes?" I smiled sweetly, batted my eyes and tried to look like it was just a normal nightly thing for me to be walking around.

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