Chapter 2: Choices

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Turning of pages sounded the room as Layla looked down at the list of nobles she had to call upon for Council Selection.

Basilisk handed invitations to Layla, nudging her to start filling them out. Judah noticed Layla's lack of response, while she looked away from the invitations set out in front of her. Basilisk patiently looked at Judah for any indication to further their insistence to continue.

Judah broke the silence, clearing his throat, bringing attention onto him.

He motions to the invitations, asking Layla, "Are you going to start choosing anyone? Do you need help with their background?"

Layla nodded. "I want to choose people who aren't nobles though. All the candidates Lady Rebecca gave me are nobility. I couldn't ask her during the meeting if I could have someone from the outside Regions be a candidate for my Council Selection."

Basilisk took one invite from the desk, handing it directly to Layla. "Why don't you go back to ask her now? I'll go with you."

Taking the paper from Basilisk, Layla turned to Judah for approval on her bold move towards his mother.

"If you are going to attempt persuading my mother to let an outsider into Vesta, I wish you the best of luck. I suggest that you only invite one candidate. She wouldn't take well to having all eight seats taken by people with lack of nobility in their lineage." Judah crossed his arms and looked at the two as if he was ready to scold them, furthering the three to laugh for a moment.

"Will you teach me a bit more about the Council Selection, Judah? I want to have my arguments ready, for when I ask Lady Rebecca." Layla proceeded to place her single invite to the side, taking up a notepad and pen to write, she motioned for Judah to start.

Judah sat in the nearby guest chair, gesturing for Basilisk to join him in their story. Basilisk found himself in the second guest chair, as Layla readjusted herself in her office chair to properly listen into Judah's story.

"Every noble has a Council of eight people, who are also from nobility. These fellow nobles guide you in decisions pertaining to what Region your family is in control of." Judah watched for Layla to give an indication to continue. She gave him a quick look, promptly returning to her note taking.

"When the noble reaches 21 years old, they are considered fit to be the heir of the family, thus the Council Selection will begin to find these eight nobles. For the rest of your life, your Council will be there for every decision. It is important to choose people that you can trust with your family's Region, and who have the proper knowledge to offer to you." Judah explained to the pair, while Layla diligently scribbled notes as fast as she could to keep up with the story.

"Any questions?" Judah added.

"I have one question, Judah." Layla raised her hand towards Judah to indicate she wanted to speak. "What exactly am I supposed to say to your mother with this information?"

Basilisk turned away from the two, attempting to hide his amusement.

Judah paused, furrowing his brows to think of a proper response. "You could say there should be a different point of view for your family in the Regions you control. Maybe they have other knowledge that would benefit nobles as a whole? It's nine members total for a Council, so one outsider wouldn't hurt?"

"Even if I manage to convince her, who do I choose? I want someone meaningful for my attempt." Layla buried her face into her hands, frustration looming in her eyes.

Basilisk handed Layla a rather large notebook, hoping that she would see it through her hands. Layla peeked through, taking the notebook, and turned open to a random page.

"What is this?" she asked.

"I created a notebook in my spare time for you, in preparation for this day. It's all of the privately owned businesses in every Region. This will help narrow down your choices." Basilisk answered.

Judah leaned forward in his seat to take a look at the notebook, shocked at the detail that was put into the project. His eyes widened at the accuracy of the businesses he recognized.

"I recommend you start with the Regions that are your favorite, or that you want to learn more about", continued Basilisk. He carefully reached over to the desk, flipping the pages until it reached Region 15's part.

"Why did you turn to Region 15? My family doesn't oversee Apollo." Layla looked at Basilisk with confusion.

Basilisk pointed to the bottom, indicating he wanted the two nobles to see what he found.

Layla and Judah both jumped from their seats. Layla grabbed onto the notebook, taking a closer look at the business.

Judah turned again to Basilisk, his voice shaking. "It couldn't be the same person, could it?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Basilisk picked up and handed an invitation to Layla.

She happily took her invitation, running around the desk to hug Basilisk tightly.

"I don't care if it's the same person or not. I'm going to take that chance and finally meet someone I've always wanted to meet!" she said.

She pulled away from Basilisk, pulling on his arm to leave.

Excitedly, she pulled open the office doors, waving goodbye to Judah.

Judah called after her, "Be sure to persuade my mother! I'll be waiting here for you!"

Basilisk and Layla looked back to the male standing  in the doorway, both smiling ear to ear, and continued their way to Rebecca's office.

Judah looked back into the room. He stared at the desk for a moment, hesitating to start the invitations himself. As if on cue to snap him back into reality, someone tapped Judah's shoulder to announce their presence.

Judah turned to see Saber giving him a concerned look.

"Are you going to send that special invite or not?" he asked, pointing towards the envelope with invites spilling out in all directions.

Judah smiled to himself, thankful for Saber's appearance.

"You're right on time, let's get this invite finished before they come back." Judah hands one of the invites to Saber, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his coat pocket.

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