Chapter 26: ASEND

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"What is there to know? We live in Apollo. We came here to represent Solice. We will leave when all this ends." Kite coldly told Minerva, looking away from her while he did.

"My, my, my. You're a grumpy one, aren't you?" Minerva teased, leaning away from Kite. "Don't be that way. Have some fun here."

"Don't mind him. He's got a little something against Vesta." Xander went closer to Kite, patting him on the shoulders. That earned him a glare, and he smiled back.

"If you say anything more..." Kite hissed, his glare becoming more menacing.

"Alright, alright. Have it your way." Xander backed off and returned to his prior position next to Minerva.

Inside, Layla and Judah still went around the room to talk to the nobles. The lights got brighter as the night went on, flashing brightly to luminate the dark balcony enough for visibility. Basilisk, Saber, and Summer continued to serve food and drinks to the guests, while refilling the station when running low on an item.

"By Solice, you mean Solice Aion of ASEND, right?" Minerva questioned the two suddenly, casually smiling to herself.

"How'd you know?" Xander asked, shocked from the statement.

While Xander stared at Minerva in disbelief, Kite's eyes widened and shoulders tensed. The two of them looked at each other, then at Minerva, and back at each other.

"You just said you were here to represent Solice. Earlier, I was told the eighth seat was to be filled by Solice Aion. She's the only Solice Aion I know that could earn a spot in being part of a Council Selection." Minerva answered, but she didn't wait for any response as she continued to explain her reasoning.

"Solice Aion was known for her role in promoting positivity through her ASEND music. Even when she wasn't singing for ASEND, she did work that helped the community. That alone is enough to earn the attention of the nobles, but they hate how it went against their authority. As far as I know, only Layla idolizes ASEND."

"What else do you know?" Xander shakenly asked, avoiding all eye contact.

Minerva finally stalled for a minute to allow more questions, but still answered nonetheless in a deadpan voice. "A lot more than you think. The work of ASEND is common knowledge in the nobility. Plus, I was the one who introduced Layla to ASEND. I brought back so much of their merchandise for her when I would leave Vesta on business trips with my family."

Minerva stopped and watched as the two eyed her cautiously. Kite being one to completely turn away from her endless ranting. Xander nodded for her to continue, curiosity filling his eyes through the darkness of night.

"More?" Minerva asked, seeing Xander nod again in her direction. "ASEND stands for Aion Solice Eldred Nora Duo. It's supposed to be a backwards abbreviation for 'The Duo: Nora Eldred and Solice Aion'. Unfortunately, the other member of the duo, Nora Eldred, died over a decade ago in an accident-"

"Stop!" Kite cried out, refusing to look at Minerva. "We get it. You know about ASEND."

Minerva came to his side and saw Kite clenching his teeth together with pain in his eyes. Xander also rushed over and held onto Kite's forearm, but he was quickly pulled away from holding on for too long.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Minerva asked with worry in her voice.

Kite shoved his glass into Xander's hand and briskly walked away from them. On his way off the balcony, he passed an oncoming Layla and Judah, who had finished talking with the nobles and were on their way to the group on the balcony.

Kite approached Basilisk with haste and quickly demanded an action from the other. "Take me to my room."

Basilisk didn't dare question why for the sudden change in mood, so he ushered Kite out into the hallway and left the reception area with him.

"What happened?" Layla asked Minerva, still holding onto Judah's arm.

"I don't know. I was talking about ASEND, then got to Nora and he freaked out." Minerva looked to Xander for confirmation, but Xander stood there dumbfounded from Kite's abrupt leave.

"Is he okay? Should I go check up on him myself?" Layla wondered, waving her hand in front of Xander.

Xander stared at Layla's waving hand, and held tightly onto the glasses in his hands. He finally responded after Layla let go of Judah's arm and came closer to him.

"I think he'll be fine. It's better to leave him alone to cool down. I'll check on him later."

Minerva let out a sigh of relief, and took a long swish of her drink.

Judah gently took the glass out of her hand, and held onto the almost empty cup. He looked around for Saber and motioned for him to come onto the balcony too.

When Saber arrived, Judah placed the cup into his hands and stuck his thumb back at Minerva. "Could you get us some food and drinks?"

Saber nodded and collected the two glasses from Xander too. He rushed over to the table, and grabbed as many plates as he could. Returning back to the group, he placed them onto a nearby table small enough to fit through the door frame, and pulled it out onto the balcony.

Layla ignored the scene going on behind her, and went over to the railing to see Kite dragging behind Basilisk in the courtyard on their way to the guest house. "Well, I came to greet the two of you, but I guess it will have to wait for him."

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