Chapter 28: Please Eat

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There was nothing but silence after Layla asked her question. She waited patiently for a response, any response would be fine with her. Standing there in front of the barely opened door, she placed her hand on the wooden object in one of Basilisk's hands. Basilisk understood what she meant with that action, and began to unfold the object in his hand. It popped out on itself to form a small serving table, and he put the tray on top of it. He then pulled the whole set closer to the door.

"Food is by the door, if you want it." Basilisk told Kite through the crack, backing away after to be closer to Layla.

Xander shrugged at the sight and went over to his room. He pulled on the door, but paused when there were more footsteps coming to Kite's door.

Minerva had also begun to leave, when she also heard the footsteps and paused.

Everyone in the hall closely watched to see what would happen next, Layla paying close attention to the tray of all things she could be looking at.

A hand pushed the opened door more, and took the tray of food into the room.

Layla gleefully jumped when she saw the tray disappear behind the door. She shook Basilisk's arm and pointed to the now empty serving table, jumping with each shake. Basilisk stood there motionless, and eyed the door for any other movement.

Xander and Minerva stood there shocked, both with their jaws open. Xander in particular rubbing his eyes repeatedly and staring at the serving table. They both looked to the jumping Layla in awe, which she noticed and abruptly stopped jumping. She straightened out her dress and went back to a proper position.

She clasped her hands together in front of her chest and came close to the door again. "Please don't hesitate to tell me the food isn't to your taste. I'll have a different meal made for you."

She waited for a response, but could only hear the light breathing of Kite standing on the other side of the door.

"It's fine." Kite finally replied, "I can eat this."

Layla smiled, looking back at Basilisk. Basilisk gave her an approving nod to continue.

"Then, enjoy your meal. I'll have Basilisk come back later to instruct you on what to do for Council Selection. You can give him your tray when you finish." Layla looked to both Minerva and Xander, who were still looking at the scene in shock.

"Is something the matter?" She asked the two.

"How did you figure out one of his interests?" Xander walked back over to Layla, leaving his room open.

"What interest?" Layla asked, confused from Xander's question. She tilted her head to the side, getting a better view of the open door with the serving table in front of it.

"Food." Xander replied, harshly pointing to the serving table.

Layla put her hand against her cheek, looking up in wonder. "Lucky guess?"

Basilisk broke the conversation between the two with him standing between Xander and Layla. "I think it's time for me to escort her back to her room."

"Right, we have the first meeting tomorrow!" Xander somewhat yelled out, running back to his room. "Good night, everyone!"

Minerva stood there watching Xander rush back into the room, and Basilisk escorting Layla down the hall. She started walking ahead of them herself to her room, waiting for them at the top of the staircase when she made it there first.

"Good night, Minerva." Layla happily wished Minerva, waving to her, then walked down the stairs with Basilisk.

Minerva waved back, and went inside her room to rest.

When inside the room, Minerva stood by the door thinking to herself. Her room was dark from the lack of lighting, which allowed Minerva to think clearly.

When did Layla get so comfortable around people? She used to be shy and quiet. I had to be around her and talk first for her to even hold a short decent conversation at the academy. A lot must have changed in the four years since I left. If she grew to be like that, she would be the perfect head of Azure Family. Nobles should be comfortable with meeting new people to expand their businesses, right? This is her Council Selection. She needs to learn to talk to people she barely knows.

Minerva walked to her bed, and felt around to pull the covers to the side. She sat on a mattress and looked for her phone in one of her nightstand drawers. Pulling the closest drawer she could feel in the darkness, she began to rummage through it. The mattress moved with her as she shifted her weight against it to find the phone. Her mind kept racing as she processed the scene she just experienced.

But if she had grown to be more comfortable around people, then why so quickly with Kite? That scene just now would seem unlikely back in the day. Almost unheard of. I would be the one to bring food up to his room instead. Surely her old habits still linger somewhat in her personality. She just met him a few hours ago. What would be the reason for this? Unless... maybe she...

Minerva stopped looking for her phone, pausing at the sudden realization.

She finds him attractive.

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