Chapter 7: Arcadia Time

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"Is it safe to assume that letter you gave me was for today? Goliath made sure it got there this morning." Devon watched as Minerva raised his injured hand to view her work.

He released his arms around her waist, allowing her to leave the comfort of his embrace to continue her paperwork.

"Yeah, but I wish I could tell her in person." Minerva pulled apart his file, flipping between pages to decide which she would place on top. "Three years of distant conversations to my best friend without actually seeing her. It's hard. I can't even wish her happy birthday."

She placed her notes down for a final time. Walking over to the room's file cabinet, she opened it to reveal names littered on each of the files. Minerva quickly found a spot for his file, shutting the cabinet.

Devon smiled, trying to add humor to his tone. He swayed back and forth on the bed, continuing to watch Minerva.

"You got me." He joked.

"My boyfriend instead of my best friend. A wonderful replacement indeed." Minerva laughed, attempting to curtsy with her scrubs.

Devon rapidly switched his tone, leaning more on the serious side as he watched Minerva mimic the nobility's form of respect.

"Don't worry. I'm keeping my promise to you." He said.

Interrupting their conversation, the door sounded with knocking.

Minerva walked to the door, sliding it to the side to be greeted by another one of her siblings carrying a tray of food.

"Food is here! Hope you are hungry." Minerva held onto the tray, allowing her brother to release his hold.

Devon tilted to the side, squinting his eyes to see the tray. "What did Mavis order for me?"

Minerva placed the tray onto the rolling serving table behind the door, Mercer helping her by holding the table steady.

"Something healthy for once." Minerva pulled the table close to Devon, locking it in place as he waited for her to back away from him.

"I'm never going to catch a break from you today, aren't I?" Devon peeled back the covers on each of the sections of the tray, revealing piping hot food under.

"We'll see about that." Minerva motioned for Mercer to the file cabinet, opening it once again, and pulled out multiple files into Mercer's arms.

Mercer looked between his sister, and the man eating his food on the bed. "Am I interrupting something?"

Minerva stopped for a second, holding onto the recent file that she pulled out. "Not at all. What do you need, Mercer?"

Mercer shifted the files he carried into one arm, the other pulling an envelope out of his pocket.

"Letter from Lucan-Azure Estate. It's for you." Mercer handed the letter to Minerva, readjusting the files back into both his arms.

"For me?" Minerva flipped the letter in her hands, looking for a return address. Seeing none, she knew exactly what type of letter this was, and began to smile the widest smile she could muster.

"I'll let you open it, while I send these over to Mavis. What time will you be home?" Mercer helped close the file cabinet, then began walking towards the door to take his leave.

Minerva happily skipped over to Devon, showing him the letter in her hands. "I'll be home after visiting hours. I'm going to keep this boy company, or he'll get lonely without his common sense by his side."

Mercer smirked, shaking his head at the two.

Devon watched helplessly as Mercer turned to pull on the door. "Mercer, save me!"

Mercer began pulling on the door dramatically, "You brought this upon yourself."

Devon, feigning defeat, grasped onto his chest with his working hand. "Mercer! Nooooo."

Mercer smiled as he closed the door, making an attempt to sarcastically wave goodbye, while finally shutting the door.

Minerva giggled at the act between her brother and boyfriend.

"Come on, let's get some food in you and watch the announcement together." She encouraged, but paused for a second to think. "There better not be a surprise riot in the middle of it. Especially since I got this letter."

She waved the letter around, then sat herself next to Devon.

Devon continued to eat, pausing only to reply to Minerva. "We would never. Rebels have an honor code."

"Yet... you are dating me." She retorted.

"Are you questioning my choices?" He finished with the last of his meal, taking the water that was left on the side of the tray to wash down everything.

Minerva handed him a napkin, "Maybe."

"Now, will you tell me what that letter is for? I don't remember seeing one that looks like a fancy invite." Devon pointed to the letter, pushing aside his tray to leave more room between them.

"Curious, huh?" Minerva pulled a jumble of keys out of her pocket, finding the small blunt letter opener chained to the bunch. She slowly ripped the top open, pulling out a detailed invite, but a folded piece of paper suddenly fell onto her lap with it.

Devon watched as she picked up the paper, unfolded it, and read the contents.

Dearest Minerva,

It's been quite some time since we all saw you last. How are you now? Layla enjoys every present, package, and letter that you send your boyfriend to deliver to her. She wears those headbands almost on a daily basis, effectively driving my mother insane. I dare say to you, well done.

To the point of this sudden letter, you know as well as the rest of the kingdom knows, Layla is now 21 years old. She will be starting her Council Selection soon. Surely, she will be happy to see you during this time. Somehow, she gained the begrudging approval from my mother to bring people from outside of Vesta. I am so proud of her.

While you have received this invite, unfortunately, it does not mean that you were selected to be part of Layla's Council. There is only so much my mother can tolerate. Saber and I had to hide this letter with an extra invite.

We are, in fact, inviting you as a guest to our estate. Please do come visit us during this time. It would bring Layla great joy to see you again. She is not aware of this letter, so it would be a surprise for her.

In regards to transportation to Vesta from Asclepius, please follow all instructions on the official invite. We will treat you exactly as we would for someone part of the Council Selection.

We all look forward to seeing you again.

Judah Lucan

"What's it say?" Devon gently reached over, placing his hand onto Minerva's shoulder.

"I'M GOING TO VESTA!" Minerva squealed with delight, throwing herself onto Devon.

Devon pushed Minerva slightly away from him, "You are?!"

Minerva hands Devon her letter, happily jumping up from on top of him to dance around the room.

Devon read the letter as quickly as he could, also jumping up to hug Minerva as she twirled herself around him.

"I thought it was forbidden?" He asked her.

"I think it is forbidden, but I'm going regardless." She replied, continuing to dance around.

Devon pulled her close to him, "The only thing forbidden here is your treatment of injured patients. I swear I couldn't feel my arm. Am I seeing things? I see a ray of sunshine dancing in front of me."

Minerva stopped dancing for a minute, hugging her boyfriend.

"If this injured patient is ready, we can go home. We have to tell my family this news!" She happily picked up their belongings and waited for him by the door.

Smiling, Devon followed, opening the door to the hallway. They proceeded to look for Minerva's sister, Mavis, while they headed towards the exit.

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